Chapter 6

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Sometimes all you need is a comfortable bench, someone's company and silence. Unlike me, ameil managed to get his ass off the bench and start walking. I groaned at the sight of him pacing in front of me.

I was in no mood to indulge myself in what had happened. I glued my mouth shut as I watched Ameil walk to and fro like a pendulum. I seized the opportunity of an empty bench and laid down.

"Come on, you have to deal with this someday. better now than later, right?" Ameil pestered me. He came to a standstill in front of me and crouched down. I felt the burning question and curiosity bubbling inside of him.

HA, ever heard of curiosity killed the cat, buddy?

"I am starving. Let's go grab something to eat?" I knew what my mind was doing. Humour had always been my escape and right now, I wanted a one-way ticket to Wonderland.

"Look, Raelynn, I know what you are doing here. Changing topics and trying to avoid things is not going to help you." His eyes remained connected with mine as his fist was clenched. I could see him getting frustrated as his veins in his neck became clear to me.

I was getting annoyed at his constant urgings, and just as I was about to explode at him, I realised that he was right. I merely nodded as I tried to recollect my thoughts.

"Okay, calm down. I can do this, yeah I can. Time to face your demons, Rae."

This was in no way easy for me. Talking about feelings had always been a big no-no for me. But Ameil, he's a stranger as of now. That was different than talking to your mother.

Taking in a deep breath, I decided that spilling my guts to Ameil might not be so bad. Afterall, just do it, right?

"I know what you're thinking, her father must have been a really big ass. That's probably true, but, deep deep down my dad isn't all that bad. It's just, he was never... there." I looked at Ameil as I revealed this, watching him sit cross-legged in front of my bench.

"He never really spent any time with us. He was always out working late, reaching home way past our bedtimes. It became such that we only saw him on the weekends. Now, this is where you'd probably think my oh-so caring father makes up for his absence and takes us out for family days and stuff like that but nope, you're sadly mistaken."

How I wished he did that.. saturday outings by the ocean. Do I ask for much?

"You're very mistaken. On weekends, he sat by his laptop, ignoring the world. As much as I loved having mom around to take care of us, I began to despise my father for neglecting me, neglecting us."

I wasn't being ungrateful for his presence, not at all. It's just, I've gone throughout my school life without a father standing there by the bleachers cheering me on. One too many occasions where I was the only kid who didn't bring her father for Father and Daughter days. One too many occasions where I sat down on the couch watching movies and cartoons where daughters viewed their fathers as best friends.

I hardly even viewed my father, much less as a friend!

"It wasn't always like this. When I was much younger, around five or so, my father and I were close. Every sunday we would have one of those disney worthy father-daughter ice-cream days and we would basically bond.  As the years passed and with another addition to the family, dad got more and more busier. He got lost in his own world. What kind of father couldn't even change diapers right?" Ameil chuckled and then covered his mouth. I sighed and continued.

"Then, one day, my parents had another fight. This time, the stakes were much higher. It became a battle of who could shout louder. And well, my father was never good at coping with pressure. He just, got up and left. Yeah, goodbye to you too, Father." I sighed, realising just how cliched my family life was.

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