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Honestly, wow. Here we are,19th December, 6 days before Christmas, 7 months since you left us. My life has been a roller coaster since then Jack. So much has happened; Mark and I are still together, 7 months and still going strong, (we started going out around the time you left), but not without problems of course, my 'best friend' kissed him about a month ago, yeah I know, horrible. It was at a girls birthday party, I wasn't there but Makaila was, she told me. The funny thing is, that girl came up to me yesterday, the last day of school, and she told me that she was sorry and it wasn't going to happen again, she asked for my forgiveness, I wanted to laugh and punch her in the face but I didn't Jack, no. I just agreed and walked away, I was the bigger person. But seriously though, I really fucking miss you. Tell me, when can I see you again? I need to see you again, at least that's what my chest tells me, but my head says otherwise. It tells me that I shouldn't, because it will just bring back all the grief, because there is no way that you're coming back. And honestly? I agree with my head, you're gone and you're not coming back Jack, no matter what I say or do. I am finally over the grief though, it only happened recently, but I was able to listen to that song without crying, it made me want to of course, but I can control it now. I'm finally coming to terms with what has happened. The same can't be said for Emilia though, did you know she tried to commit suicide as well? The pain was too much and she missed you so much that she wanted to join you, she failed though, thank god, I couldn't lose her as well. I was talking to her the other night, about our depression, and she was saying how when you hugged her, when she was in your arms, it felt like home. She said 'I miss how I felt at home when he hugged me, and I'm homesick Keely', that crushed me.  Can you promise to keep looking over me, and Emilia? I really can't lose her, please? But Jack, it doesn't matter how much I have come to terms with you leaving us, it doesn't make me miss you any less, remember that for me okay? Remember that we all love you and we all miss you terribly. See you soon my perfect angel.

My Lovely Friend- Jack Dylan Diamond McWilliam <3Where stories live. Discover now