I need you.

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I feel like such a baby. This is the second time I've cried over you in a week. The first time was because everyone was writing statuses about you, I can't stand going on Facebook every day and seeing someone's post about you. The second time is right now. I was reading a story on Wattpad, one of the characters names was Jack. He had blonde hair and green eyes aswell. Fuck! I just started crying even more, that god damn song came on! I really fucking miss you Jack. I've been thinking lately. I want to organize a scout camp. A camp in honour of you. Jacks camp. What do you think? It was just an idea, something that the scouts can do together. A way of dealing with what happened, a way of expressing what we are feeling- the best way we know how. Is it a good idea Jack? Should I organize it?

My Lovely Friend- Jack Dylan Diamond McWilliam <3Where stories live. Discover now