chapter 7

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Kelly's pov
We got back to the hotel and norman had to go. He said that his son was coming and he had to tell him about us. I was so nervous what if he got mad or he didnt like me. I got a text from norman.
'Hey babygirl wanna join me and mingus for dinner later? Xxx'
'Are you sure? What if he doesnt like me?'
'Dont worry babe. He asked for it. He wants to meet you. I showed pics of you.'
'Okay what time am i expected?'
'I'll come and pick you up at 7.'
'Okay see you later. Xxx'
'See ya babe.'
"Hey guys i have to go to dinner tonight to meet his son." They looked at me. "Wow thats huge isnt it?" I nodded. "Yeah i'm nervous what if he doesnt like me." Charlie scoffed. "Whats not to like sweetie. Dont worry you'd be fine." I sighed. "What do i have to wear?" "Just wear something casual its not a dinner date. You are meeting his kid."
I searched for my jeans a top and a long cardigan and put some all stars underneath. "Hey guys is this okay?" "Ofcourse it is. Just be yourself sweetie. We love you and so will he." I sighed and it was almost 7. I went down and my reedus picked me up.

In the car i was quiet and he noticed. "Everything okay?" I sighed. "No i'm nervous as hell. I'm meeting my boyfriends 16 year old son." He chuckled. "You are gonna be fine. I love you and after tonight he'd see why." I smiled.

When we stopped at his appartment, my heart was racing. "Just relax babygirl. Ming is like me so dont worry." I sighed and he lead me in. "Mingus we've got company." I stomped him and he smiled. "Hey dad whats up?" "I told you that kelly was coming for dinner so here she is." He looked up and down. He was just like his father. "Hi i'm mingus and you look even better then on the photos." i blushed and it made norman slap mingus on the back of his head. "Dont you dare eye my girl kid. Get your own." I stomped normans arm. "Hey he's got that from you so dont blame him for your genes." Mingus laughed. "I already like her. Are you a gamer?" I raised my brow. "I'm not into the whole fifa thing but i like adventure games or shooting." His eyes widened. "Dad this one is defenitely a keeper. She games you havent got one that acts normal around me and games besides mom." Norman turned red. "Well you heard em reedus. so whats for dinner?" "Euhm pizza?" I chuckled because he didnt make food. he was just gonna order in. "Sounds great. no fish or seafood on it the rest is awesome." he smiled at me. "hey wanna play a game while we wait for pizza?" mingus asked me. "sure what you got?" norman's eyes widened. "well i lost ya for today." i scoffed. "its just a game and i'm a girl i can quit whenever i want." mingus just laughed at my words. i followed mingus to the cough. "i've got uncharted 4 because you like adventure and this is an awesome game." i smiled. "i know i've got it back home." "no way that's cool. what level are you?" "i have no idea i just play until i get annoyed, my daughter needs me or my fingers start to hurt." he laughed. we played for a while until pizza came. we had fun and talked and even mingus was enjoying himself.

i couldnt help myself and walked around in his appartment. hell i was his girlfriend and i wanted to see how he lived. i stumbled upon a room which i liked to call 'the music/ walking dead room. all sorts of walking dead stuff and some music intstruments like a piano, but not a classic just a electronic one. suddenly i was interrupted out of my gaze by mingus. "hey my dad told me you can sing and play." i nodded. "can you play something for me?" "what do you wanna hear?" he brought up his shoulders. "you know demi lovato?" he nodded. "well i love her music so mind hearing one of her songs." he shook his head. "is it okay for your dad if i use his stuff?" "i'm here so yeah its cool." i went to the piano and i could play with some effects on it so i did that.

norman's pov

i couldnt find my son or my girl so i searched for them and i could hear music so i quietly stepped to the room. they didnt notice me so i remained silent. my girl was singing for my son. it was nice they got along.

Stone cold
Stone cold
You see me standing
But I'm dyin' on the floor
Stone cold
Stone cold
Maybe if I don't cry
I won't feel anymore

Stone cold
God knows I try to feel
Happy for you
Know that I am
Even if I can't understand
I'll take the pain
Give me the truth
Me and my heart
We'll make it through
If happy is her
I'm happy for you

Hmm, mm-mm, mm

Stone cold
Stone cold
You're dancing with her
While I'm staring at my phone
Stone cold
Stone cold
I was your amber, but now
She's your shade of gold

Stone cold
God knows I try to feel
Happy for you
Know that I am
Even if I can't understand
I'll take the pain
Give me the truth
Me and my heart
We'll make it through
If happy is her
I'm happy for you

Don't wanna be stone cold
I wish I could mean this
But here's my good-bye
Oh, I'm happy for you
Know that I am
Even if I can't understand
If happy is her
If happy is her
I'm happy for you.

"wow you really are a pretty singer" he said to her. "thanks." it was silent for a bit but i just waited out if they were gonna talk to eachother when i'm not there. "do you like my dad or is it just because he's famous?" what were did that come from. "i dont just like your dad, i love him and no i dont care he's famous. in fact i dont want to be in the center of the attention." his eyes widened. "wow you are different. you're kinda the first that doesnt care if he has money or that he is the famous daryl." she chuckled. "i loved him even from before he was daryl." mingus smiled at her. "oh your a boondock saints fan then." "yep. its not about the character though. i watched your dads interviews on tv and he seemed the kinda guy i would enjoyed meeting. the funny thing is that i'm here on vacation and we just bumped into eachother." he sighed. "so that means one day you wont be here anymore?" this broke my heart. maybe this wasnt a good idea. my son was getting attached to her and the other way around. she was going to leave at a time and it would cause pain to all of us now when that time came. "yeah soon i'll be back with my daughter, but i wont love your dad any less you know." "do you live far and couldnt you just visit eachother?" "no i dont live that far but far enough that i cant pay to switch from my home to here and back." "that sucks i like you." "i know i like you too. it just the way it is and when its time then we have to deal with it, but for now we could hang out." "sounds nice and thanks though." "for what?" "for making my dad happy, its been a while since i saw him like this." she smiled. "your welcome mingus and just between us i dont think i've ever been so in love with a guy that i'm with your dad." god that fell good hearing that. i cleared my troath and they spooked. "how long have you been easdropping mister?" she asked. "long enough." i said. "well thats my cue to leave. thanks again for spending some time with me kelly. i had fun." "any time mingus." he hugged her and went to his room. "well you love me that much huh?" i asked. "you heard all of that did ya?" "yeah and it was nice. its good to know that you feel the same way and i'm glad that you came and met my son." She smiled. "I wouldnt want to be anywhere else right now norman" she said and i kissed her. "What are you doing to me girl. You take my breath away." She caressed my cheek and played with my hair. "You have no idea what you do to me. I still feel like i'm dreaming. Its weird that you call me your girlfriend. When you touch me, i get shivers all over. When you kiss me, i get butterflies. You introduced me to your most important person in the world and it ment everything to me. You're an amazing dad and i'm lucky that you want me in your life." This woman was gonna make me cry. "where have you been all my life girl. Damn i dont want to let you go. You need to stay with me." "I cant norman. I have a job and a life to go back too." "Then bring your life her with me." She had tears in her eyes now. I didnt want to make her cry shit. "I love you i really do but we cant just rearrange our entire lives because of love norman. We need to think this over." I sighed. "Let us enjoy the time have left then." She smiled. "Yeah sounds great to me. Then lets start right now." She had this look and i knew what she ment. "Yes ma'am you dont have to tell me twice." I picked her up and to my room.

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