The gig

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"So, now you're not soaked and cold, what you want?" I giggle.
"Long Story" he grins shaking his head letting his beautiful hair flop onto his face, God I love it when he does that.
"I've got a long time" I lie , I don't , in fact if I wanna make it to the leadmill pub and look nice I've got 20 minutes.
"So I had a girlfriend. She was dead pretty and nice , called Mary." He starts as I feel my heart turning, of course Van would have a girlfriend. "We'd been together for about like a year and things was going well. But I just don't feel the right way about her, she should have someone who would do anything for her. Everyone should. I don't have feelings for her so I told her that, I feel like a complete dickhead because it really hurt her. But by being with her when I don't love her, that's hurting her more innit? Ugh, i don't know ly. I just needed some company and the lads are loud but we said we'd hang out sometime so why not now?" He says, trying to sound cheerful. I smile and nod, what else can I do? Yeah toms sweet but van chose me over anyone else yet he's only just met me, thats made me think about how I feel about him. Without thinking I hug Van, feeling his embrace as he hugs me back tightly , which I definitely didn't expect. I pull away laughing "what made you bring shaun of the dead?" Referring to the stack of DVDs on the side. He smirks and throws a cushion at me, "I just took a shit load of Larry's classics" I chuck one back before going and getting the pizza, to have a good night.

"Hello?" I quietly answer to my ringing phone in the kitchen, away from Van.
"Where are you Lyla?" A familiar voice says through the line.
"Shit look im sorry , I couldn't make it, a friend was upset so I had to look after them. I'll come round after okay? After the gig" I try and reassure tom, not wanting to lose him for a man I didn't even know.
"Ok, well make sure you do babe. I miss you" he slurs through the background noise of laughter from the other lads in the band probs. He's drunk I think, but that doesn't bother me. He's just trying to have a good gig.
I walk back to the room to see a tall lanky van confided to one corner so I can sit down, asleep like a baby. He looks adorable , I wrap a blanket around him and check the time. It's 11 so me leaving the house now is pretty risky , since I'm grounded. But I made my mum go upstairs anyway , out of me and Vans company. I quietly rush upstairs and get dressed, not bothering showering. I put one a burgundy coloured top, loose , low and lacy tucked into a pair of black jeans with boot heels. I put one some makeup to look nice and brush my hair out, ginger and straight for once. Then I grab my phone and keys and hope to God I won't get caught.

I take a bus to the leadmill, which of course I don't mind but having a bunch of lads about 2 times your age staring at your tits on a moving bumpy vehicle isn't fun. I get off and head to the back to see if I can get it. Met by a tall guy with a Kirk Cobain look rapping along to Eminem. I laugh as he quietens in my company. "You know the band playing tonight" I ask , trying to be friendly incase there's a chance tom won't come to get me. "Yeah I'm in it love , you toms girl?" He asks, stumbling slightly.
Toms girl, that's what I'm known as now , guess he must of told his mates we are together, like the typical fuckboy would.

"Yeah. Something like that." I smile. He flicks a fag down the floor, stepping on it and opening the door for me. "He's in here don't worry". I take everything in, knowing this is what performing will feel like tomorrow. "Heyy" he says, standing up and giving me a hug. Not as nice as vans, but good enough to leave a blush in my cheeks and a smile on my face. The night was pretty chill, I met the band, all nice. Toms pretty close to the keyboardist who I met earlier , he's so funny. So most of the night was them two laughing about past jokes. I try and think of tom, looking cute and tipsy there, but I can't. My thoughts are at home, in my town where a van lays on my couch.

Then I remember. He came to my house. How the fuck did he know???
He can't of stumbled round the whole of Sheffield can he? Shit.

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