Chapter 2 - The Aftermath

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Before Ash Blacked Out

Red walked into professor Oaks room and walked up to Porfessor Oak "Hi Professor you wanted to see my Charmander?". asked Red "ah yes Red i did, may i see your Charmander for a moment?" questioned Oak

 "Ofcourse Professor let me get charmander for you" said Red  he then went to his belt around his waist and grabbed charmanders Poké ball he then threw the Poké ball into the air "come on out Charmander!" 

With a dazzling white light a white light in the shape of a little lizard took shape "CHAR CHARMANDER" Charmander looked around and saw Red andd then the Professor and backed away towards Red for safety 

"its ok Charmander the professor wants to see how healthy you are" with that the fire lizard pokemon walked towards the professor.

"ok then lets check you over charmander" said the professor a few minutes later Oak returned the fire lizard to Red "How is Charmander Professor" 

" your Charmander is very healthy and his tail flame is very bright indicating you are looking after Charmander and that you are a good trainer" complimented the professor.

 "Thank you professor i got to go and find Ash see you tomorrow" said Red as he waved and walked out the door

 "Red before you go when you see Ash can you tell him i would like to see him tomorrow?" asked Oak Red replied"of course Professor see ya"

Red continued to walk down the corridor looking for Ash he started wondering were Ash was he then heard something in the distance it sounded like a fight so he hurried to see what it was as he reached the dispute Red hid behind one of the lockers and poked his head out and was shocked by what he saw.

There was the school bully Gary Oak Punching and kicking someone and Red was starting to get scared then Gary said 

" Your a wussy Ketchum your worthless and no one likes you here and never will" then Red saw the person get up and punch Gary causing him to stumble back the person then started to walk away and Red took a closer look and saw that it was Ash with blood dripping down his lip and cheek and he was holding his side and chest suddenly.

 Gary got back up and Ash didn't see him i tried shouting but i was too scared Gary then screamed something causing Ash to turn around and get hit in

 the face and the eye Ash screamed in agony and fell o his back Gary then kicked Ash in the side a few times and the chest before leaving 

I quickly ran to Ash crying as i thought he was died as he wasnt moving so i screamed "ASH, ASH NO NO WHERE DO I GO TO GET HELP"

 I scream for the Professor "Professor Oak Help Get the NURSE PLEASE HURRY!"

Within seconds Oak rushed to the my side and was shocke dwhen he saw Ash passed out on the ground with blood on his clothes and 

 on his face Oak picked him up and sprinted to the nurses ofiice and practivally kicked the door down much to the nurses displeasure

"Samuel what is the ...... OH MY GOD WHAT HAPPENED TO HIM QUICK LAY HIM DOWN Oak set Ash's limp body on the nurses table and started examining Ash she cleaned up his wounds on his face and started feeling his side to check for broken bones.

when she pressed on his ribs he suddenly woke up and was screaming in agony shouting "IT HURTS SOO MUCH WHY WHY IT HURTS" i couldnt take it and ran out of the nurses office and slumped down outside her wall and broke down "why would Gary do that to Ash"

Professor Oak then came out and sat beside me and said "Its okay Red the nurse said that Ash is okay he has a busted lip and bruised ribs and chest he will recover in a few days or so okay no need to worry" 

i looked at the Professor and thanked him the nurse then walked out and said"Red take Ash home for some rest" the professor helped Ash out to the door of the school were i then took support of him. we then started walking home and on the way i noticed that Ash seems a little to light for his height and age.

within minutes we were back at the house and mom wasnt home yet so we would be alone for a few hours so i would have to try and look after Ash .

To Be continued ...

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