Chapter 16 - Hurting

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Ash P.O.V

The look on Serena's face really scared me as that face that is usually caring and funny, her beautiful ocean blue eyes showed nothing but fear and her face will haunt me as she is suffering because of me, because I told her about my father. If anything happens to her I will never forgive myself as I couldn't live without her. Why am I thinking that about Serena? I barely know her and I feel like whenever she is around we have known each other for years. It also feels like we have been the best of friends for years and not days. Every time she is around I feel a calming effect on me and my stomach rumbles with nerves and all my troubles go away and I forget about my past, forget about what was done to me. The door to my room opens and Nurse Joy walked in her face was tense like she was about to give bad news "Hello Mr Ketchum, we have an update on your friend Serena Yvonne" as soon as she said Serena I began to worry thinking the worst "we have figured out what caused Miss Yvonne to fall, I'm afraid that she suffered a very serious panic attack due to the fact that her heart beating very fast" she took a breather to let me think about what she just said "and due to this she collapsed and after we scanned her heart we found something worrying, I'm afraid that Miss Yvonne was having abnormal beating rhythms and this happens when the heart beast faster than necessary and causes the person to collapse" my head was spinning from all the information I was trying to digest and I couldn't believe that because of me she had basically a very sever panic attack/ heart attack "we have stabilised Miss Yvonne and her parents are on their way to see her and your parent is also in her way along with your brother I will let you rest" and like a ghost she left without a trace and left me to think about what the nurse just said. I caused Serena to have a really bad panic or heart attack because of the state I am currently in which is minor pain because I saw the chart the nurse had and I have broken bones and my jaw isn't hurting when it should be as she said that it is fractured so I should find it hard to talk but I can talk fine when I should not be able to, also I should be in a lot more pain as my ribs and other bones are either fractured or broken I should be finding it hard to breath. But I can breathe fine without the slightest bit of pain, this isn't normal I should be screaming in pain asking for the nurse to increase the morphine then an idea crossed my mind I reached the control that controls my bed and buzzes for help, I pressed the assistance button and within seconds a nurse was walking up to me "what seems to be the problem Mr Ketchum" she asked in the most calming voice. "how much morphine has been injected into me?" this seemed to confuse the nurse after thinking about an answer she finally answered "I'm sorry Mr Ketchum but you are not on any morphine" that could not be possible, I must be on morphine as the amount of pain I should be in should be off the chart and I have just been told that I am not on morphine my face seemed to worry the nurse and within minutes a doctor came into the room "Hello Ash" said the doctor in a friendly tone "Hi Doc" the Doc then began to talk to the nurse, every so often the two of them would look over at me and then continue to talk again. After what seemed like years the doctor broke the silence "Ash I'm just going to check how your body is healing" I nodded acknowledging what he had to do.

The doc walked over to me and started to examine my jaw and made "hmmm" noises every so often he then examined my ribs and the rest of my body "thank you Ash" then the doctor walked back to the nurse and they started talking again, a few minutes later the doctor walked out of the room while saying "need more test done" this started to worry me have they found something wrong with me?

To be continued Sry guys ill update ASAP I promise school os just getting busy 

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