Chapter 6 - part two - secrets revealed

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Hi guys sorry that it has been so long i can feel the buses coming for me XD but anywhay hope you guys enjoy this chapter and i cant beleive the book hit over 100 watches and i wanted to thank you guys soo much 

Play the song when you see this symbol (*) as i feel the song suits this chapter 

Serena POV

There i saw Ash with his back to me  with his top off and it looks like there is dried in blood on it "Ash it me its ok are you hurt" Ash then speaks and it worries me more "i-I'm f-fine s-Serena why are you h-here"said ash "Because im worried about you and because i consider you my friend" i can tell that Ash is in pain "Ash turn around let me help you" "why would you want to help me" questioned Ash "because i want to help you" i see one of ashs arms and i see something on his arm like a scratch "Ash your arm let me help you" Ash then turns around "OHH ASH WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU !" the tears were flowing like a waterfall 

Ash had Three huge big claw marks going from his left top side shoulder all the way across his chest and ends at his left hip bone and then i noticed that he  has scars on above his left ear and continues across his left eye across his nose and ends at the bottom of his neck at the right side and the arm i noticed the arm from before. On his left hand from the wrist joint all the way down to underneath the elbow and all of the scars we not fresh and they were all as red as a scizors and some of them were bleeding as a result of the attacks Lucario landed on Ash

 I went to get a cloth and water to clean Ash up and as I got closer i could see his face he is cute and i see those beautiful eyes of his and he was in good  physical shape  he had a nice chest with a six pack and his had nice biceps.  

 I noticed i was blushing when i was looking at him am i really starting to like Ash is my mum right does love at first site actually exist I started to clean up Ash's scars and started with his face and gently dabbed at the scar to clean up the blood and then moved down to clean his chest 

i started lightly dabbing at the scar and when i reached a certain part he grunted in pain and cowered away  into the corner in fear i could see the fear in his eyes it felt my heart shattering into thousands of pieces "Ash its ok im sorry if i hurt you please let me help you and let me be your friend" Ash then looked up at me and nodded his face then went a slight tint, wait! did he just blush does he feel the same why i do? 

he then came back over to me and i finished cleaning up his scars " Ash can you tell me how you got those scars" 

I could see the fear in those beautiful Auburn eyes and also could see loneliness i started thinking to myself has Ash ever had any friends "Before you ask no i have never had any friends" is what Ash said in his usual cold voice. "Ash I'm your friend please tell me how you got those scars and let me be friends with you" 

after what felt like an eternity he finally answered "Fine Serena ill tell you but you can not tell anyone else"

Ash P.O.V 

"DONT ASH DONT LET HER IN REMEBER WHAT HE SAID DONT LET HER IN" i was screaming to myself but serena makes me feel safe maybe i can trust her 

10 years earlier (*)

My father just came home from work early which is not like him maybe he is trying to be a father after all i thought as he picked me up the pain came back and he apologized maybe he is trying to be a dad. Dad then told Red to go relax and he can look after me Red then left the room and it was me and dad left in the room

"What happened to you Ash?" he asked in  calm and soothing voice i then told him everything that happened "Are you serious you could not defend yourself and your younger brother had to help you and look after you" i could smell alcohol on his breath dad doesn't drink "Dad you never drink why do i smell alcohol" i asked dad

"I only had a drink or two and because my Boss fired me as we were in a very important meeting with a client that would have give the company a big contract that would have saved the company and as he was about to sign my mobile went off and i answered it and my boss was telling me to hang up but i didnt as it was your mum saying that if we are divorcing because i spend to much time at work and because i dont spend enough time with you and Red"  said my dad "What did you boss do?" i replied 

"he told me to hang up immediately and i did and i apologised and the meeting continued" "so why did you.."I WASNT FINISHED my phone rung again and it was the school telling me about your fight and my boss had enough and fired me there and then So i went to the bar and here i am" 

"Dad I'm sorry about what happened" i said  "SORRY SORRY YOUR SORRY BECAUSE OF YOU I GOT FIRED AND YOUR MOTHER IS LEAVING ME AND ALL YOU CAN SAY IS SORRY" screamed my dad i was starting to get scared now I went to walk out of the room "Ash im sorry for shouting can we go into the basement to play the xbox" questioned dad "Ok" we walked out of the living room my dad was behind me and we went to the other end of the house and went into the basement i heard my dad come in and lock the door he must want to play COD mw2 for a while with me 

"What game do.... SNEASEL come forth and USE SCRATH" i turned around suddenly and a blinding white light blinded me then my world exploded into pain as the sharp claw pokemons claws raked  above my  left ear and continued across my left eye across my nose and ends at the bottom of my neck at the right sidei screamed in pain "YOU ARE WORTHLESS PIECE OF SHIT YOU ARE WEAK AND NOlTHING TO ME" SNEASEL USE METAL CLAW" the pokemon came at me again i raised my left hand and sneasels metal claw raked from left hand from the wrist joint all the way down to underneath the elbow joint the pain i was experiencingfelt like charizard using flamethrower fullpower then using dragon rage "Please Dad stop i-im s-sorry pleas i-i-im your s-s-son "YOU ARE NOT MY SON YOU ARE WEAK AS FAR AS IM CONCERNED MY SON IS FUCKING DEAD SNEASEL FINISH THIS METAL CLAW AGAIN" i looked into my fathers eyes and all i saw was pure hatered and anger.

sneasel then did a battle cry and slashed its three huge claws going from his left top side shoulder all thw way across his chest and ends at his left hip bone i fell to the ground in soo much pain and i looked down and saw blood and my clothes torn to shreds then my world went blind and deaf the last thing i heard was him saying "YOU WILL NEVER BE LOVED AND YOU ARE WORTHLESS YOU ARE NOT MY SON"

To be continued...

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