t w e n t y f o u r

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Don't kill meeeee

3rd person pov

Cleo laid on her bed watching videos. She was on the popular app known as YouTube, wasting away her life cause she had really nothing better to do.

She would usually be texting Justin cause that was all she seemed to do these days but he was with family for the weekend and didn't want to bother him. She could also be doing her algebra homework but what teenager would want to do homework when she could be in the addicting world known as social media.

To be precise, she was watching old Jc videos, for the 100th time it seemed like. She laughed loudly to her self at something Jc had done.

Her silver iPhone 6 made a noise, indicating a notification. The little notification banner made its way to her screen

It's #knjFridays and you know what that means!¡
(Not a real link^)

Cleo smiled to her self, closing the video she was watching and putting on their new one.
3 minutes and something seconds later she was in tears, she was laughing so much that her side started to hurt.

This is why she loved them, they were so effortlessly funny and just good guys.

She scrolled down the cracked screen and looked through the comments, most of them consisting of calling them funny, or dumb.

Some comments in particular caught her attention

Superman116: lol he has weird names for ppl on his contacts
5soslover: what kind of name is cleopatra?

Cleo's stomach dropped after reading them. That's what that Justin guy called her?

That has to be some weird coincidence.

She stared at the screen thinking.

When ever Justin had to go, Jc was doing something on snap chat.

They both jumped in the pool with their phones.

"That's Jc's full name!!"

His friends had the middle names of the o2l boys.

He got vv defensive when I talked about Jc with a rumored girlfriend, talking about himself

God, all the pieces were there. How could she not see those and many more.

She didn't want to accuse him though, no, she wanted to make sure this wasn't some really scary coincidence. She got out of the YouTube app and found Justin's contact.

She pressed on the screen and called Justin's phone.

"Hey Cleo!" His raspy voice spoke through the phone.

"Is this Jc Caylen?" Wow so blunt Cleo.

"Yeah" he coughed and cleared his throat "no! I meant no" he quickly tried to cover his slip up.

"I have so many ways to find out if this is Jc or not Jc.. please just stop lying to me." Cleo spoke quietly, knowing if she spoke louder he could hear her voice crack.

A long, loud sigh was heard from the small device "yes, this is Jc. I'm Jc Caylen." Jc said, his voice being barley above a whisper.

"Why?" Her voice cracked.

Dammit Cleo. Get your shit together.

"I was gonna tell you, when we met up I swear, but-"

"Why Jc? This is so low of you. Was all of this a game to you? An idea for a video?" She asked, clearly pissed off and upset.

He didn't say anything. Cause yes, the whole reason he continued to text her was to put it in a video.

"I don't even know what to say." She mumbled.

"Yes, I was going to use this in a video, but we got to know each other, and like I said a couple days ago, I really like you. I'm typically not one to like someone only after texting, but you were different." He confessed. Justin didn't want this to change anything. He wanted to get passed this bump in the road. He just wanted to text Cleo like nothing happened.

"Who's idea was it?" She asked annoyed. This whole situation was dumb.

She felt like hitting him, crying, or screaming, maybe a combination of all three. She can't control how she feels, then again, who usually can?

"Dom" Jc mumbled.

"I've never liked him." Cleo admitted.

Jc laughed quietly.

"I wish you never texted the wrong number." Cleo mumbled, she was beyond upset and didn't know what to do. She knew that what he did was not okay, but she also knew that people make mistakes.

"Don't say that Cleo. Please, I know I fucked up and I'm really sorry." Jc pleaded, not knowing if Cleo would believe him or not.

"I gotta go Jc" she mumbled.

"You have to go or you don't want to talk to me?" Jc asked slightly annoyed with how she was acting. Yes he made a mistake, but everyone does.

"Bye Jc." She said quietly.

"If you hang up Cleo, don't try to contact me again. And delete my number." Jc said, hoping that would stop her from hanging up so that he could just talk to her.

He wasn't meaning to be a dick, he guessed it just came out.

She let out a shaky breath "okay.. I guess this is goodbye then." Cleo sniffled and hung up the call.

Jc stared at the screen and felt a tear slip off his cheek onto his phone.

Jc wasn't one to cry over most things, he hardly ever did, but Cleo, Cleo was an exception.

Cleo dropped her phone by her, she's wasn't going to delete his number, she's not that crazy or upset. I mean she talked to Jc fucking Caylen, the boy she has loved since she first saw him in 2012.

She was also played by him.

But, he had feelings for her and she didn't know what to do, she felt hopeless . She wasn't used to this feeling.

She always found ways out of situations but this time was different.

God, she fell hard for this boy she never met, he was the combination of quirky, funny, cheesy, and overall just really amazing.

Cleo let out a frustrated grunting noise and threw her phone at her wall, not really caring it if shattered at the moment.

All she could think about was how bad she felt after telling him goodbye like that, how she showed him that maybe she didn't really care for him.

But she shouldn't have felt this way cause she did nothing wrong, she was nothing but honest with him and he broke her trust, and maybe, just maybe her heart too.

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