t w e n t y e i g h t

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"I" deep breath "saw" deep breath "Jc" deep breath. Cleo pants when she runs back to hers and Bryce's spot.

"Are you really panting? You were what? Maybe 30 feet away?" Bryce says amused.

"not the point." Another deep breath "I saw Jc, and felt all happy and I hate him, but he made me smile when I saw him. I hate him." Cleo mumbled, falling into the sand next to Bryce.

"Looks like he's not done talking to you." Bryce mumbles, nodding his head towards the curly haired boy walking nervously towards the two of them.

Cleo looks up and Jc is walking slowly towards them. Jc doesn't know why he would do this, he wasn't one to really chase after girls. Cleo just had this thing about her, he liked her enthusiasm, her dumb jokes, and her caring personality.

Cleo groaned, not because of Jc-well slightly-but because she had just sat down. Cleo stood up, and met Jc so he didn't have to be near Bryce. Knowing Bryce, he would have flipped out on Jc and Cleo really didn't want to deal with that.

Jc and Cleo stopped walking and stared at each other. Jc didn't like what he saw. Cleo's eyes weren't as happy and full of life as they used to be, the real, genuine smile that he always saw on twitter and instagram wasn't there but was replaced by a mere fake one.

Cleo was confused by what she saw, what once were brown eyes of joy were eyes full of sorrow and regret.

Damn right they are.

Shut up Cleo.

She furrowed her eyebrows at her thoughts and shook her head, looking back at Jc. That cute, all teeth smile was hardly even pulled up at the sides of his mouth. She wanted to do, or say something, anything to make him smile.

They continued to stare until Jc finally gathered enough courage to say something. "Can-can we go and walk, and.. uhm talk?" He asked her shyly, scratching the back of his tan neck.

Cleo stood there trying to register his question. She met out a gentle sigh and nodded her head, telling Bryce she'll be back soon. Bryce whined, but gave in and sent her off with Jc.

The two awkward kids walked along the shore line, Cleo softly kicking at the salty water, and Jc just staring at his feet. Cleo groaned, she hated this silence, and none of the many questions that came to her mind were gonna be answered if she didn't speak up.

So she did.

"Why did you do what you did?" Cleo asks, her voice awfully shaky. She wanted to crawl in a hole and die because of the awkward tension in the air.

Jc looked at her briefly and sighed deeply, thinking of what to say. Only, he didn't know what to say because frankly, he had no idea why he even did this too her. She didn't deserve it, she deserved none of this.

"I don't really know.." he mumbles sheepishly.

Cleo stops walking and closes her eyes, she lets out an agitated sigh. Why out of all 7 billion fucking people in this world did she have to be hurt by the one guy she put her trust and love in. The one guy who even though he was never there, kept her from falling. She just didn't believe it.

"What do you mean you don't really know?" She says, trying to remain calm.

"I-I guess I got scared that you were gonna act different once you knew it was me. Like I was gonna be talked to as I'm a king, when in reality I'm just as normal as everyone else. I wanted to have conversations with you, I liked talking to you, you were cool, funny and different- a good different. I just thought with a fake identity we could talk, and you can find about about the real me, and not the me you see on the screen." Jc confessed, his cheeks flushed a red color and he looked down at the very light brown sand.

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