Chapter 3

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We made it to the forest that is 5 minutes away from our neighborhood and stopped in the center. " Let's start our lesson, we're gonna try to keep your hunger in control." I said. "Okay, how are we gonna do that?"  Taehyung asked." Easy, I'm gonna be the bait." I said, but he wasn't agreed that. "Wait what, are you crazy?! I'll kill you for sure!" He panicked and I laughed. "I'm just kidding, we're gonna go find a deer and use it as bait." he gagged at the word deer. "I don't really like the taste of animal blood, human's blood is much more sweeter. Just like yours." Taehyung mumbled the last part. "It doesn't matter, we gotta control your hunger before you go off killing more people." I said. "Fine." Taehyung agreed. We looked around to find one until we found a female deer. "Let's hide behind the bushes." I whispered and he nodded. We quietly tip toed behind the bushes and took a peak at the deer eating. "What's the plan?" he asked. "You let your hunger lose control towards the deer as I try to stop you." I took out a small bag of garlic from my pocket. I swung it back and forth in front of his face as he quickly backed away from me with widened eyes. "Please don't tell me your serious!" he asked surprised. "I am. This will the only way to keep you away from killing. This will take a lot of practice for you to stay away by bringing this bag close to you and staying away." I explained. "You think that'll work?" I nodded and he sighed. "Alright, let's get this over with." He got up and creeped behind the deer. Once I saw his eyes turn red and fangs coming out, I quickly ran towards him and brought the bag close to his face. The scent surrounded his nostrils and he quickly backed away as his eyes and teeth went back to normal. The deer saw us and ran away. "See, I told you it'll work." I said. He rubbed the back of his neck. "I guess it did." he wasn't sure. "Let's go find another animal." I said. We walked farther into the forest until we saw a rabbit hopping around. "This is messed up, I can't kill a cute little rabbit!" Taehyung shouted. "You're not gonna kill it, I'm here to help you. You didn't kill the deer so I'm sure you won't kill the rabbit either." I explained. "I'm trusting you on this whole lesson thing."  He walked up the rabbit and began to lose control for the second time, the rabbit stopped what it was doing and stared at Taehyung with frightened look. I ran towards them before he can kill it and brought the bag to his face. And again, he came back to normal. "Let's try one more time with another bait." I said. "Okay, what'll it be?" he asked. "Me." I said. "No no no no no bad idea!" he shouted. "Just try, I'm sure you got this under control." I said. "Fine, but don't blame it on me for killing you." He walked towards me as I close my eyes, ready for what's about to come. After a few seconds passed, I didn't feel anything. I slowly opened one eye, only to see Taehyung standing there with a rectangular smile on his face. "I didn't kill you!" He ran up to me and hugged me tightly while burying his face into crook of my neck. "Thank you. I can finally control my hunger! That smell of garlic helped." I hugged back with a smile on my face. "You're welcome." We stayed like this for a couple of minutes until Taehyung broke the silence. "Your scent smells different." I looked at him with a confused look. "What do you mean I smell different?" I asked. "Back at your place, your scent was sweet like other human's blood, but now it smells sweet and bitter mixed together." he explained. "Is that a bad thing?" I asked. "I don't know, I never smelled this kind of scent before. Humans usually have sweet scent of smell while myself, I have bitter scent of smell." he said. "Oh..." I sighed.. He began to think for a second before he spoke again. "I don't know if this possible, but I think I know what is wrong with your scent, but I'm not sure if I'm correct." he said. "What is it?" I asked. "Is it possible if you're half vampire?"

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