Chapter 4

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"Half vampire? I don't know if that's possible!" I was shocked. "Well your scent is mixed sweet and bitter so I'm pretty sure that's possible." he was sure about that. "But how?!" I asked. He thought for a second. "Hmm... Do you have any family members?" he asked. "My mom died while giving birth to me, my dad got killed by an unknown... All I have left is my older brother, that's why I live alone." I explained. "Do you have your brother's number?" he asked again. "Yes." I said. "Let's go get some answers." he said. I nodded and we walked back to our neighborhood. We went back inside and I went into the living room to grab my phone. I dialed my older brother's number and waited patiently for him to answer. "Hello?" brother asked. "Hi Hoseok oppa, it's Yoolhee." I said. "Oh my god! It's you! How's my little sister?" Hoseok asked. "I'm fine. Listen, can you maybe come over to my place?" I asked him. "Yeah sure. I can come over right now, everything alright?" Hoseok was worried. "Yes everything is alright, I just wanna see you and catch up on things." I said. "Awww okay then, I'm on my way." Hoseok said. He hanged up and I put the phone back. "What did he say?" Taehyung asked. "He's on his way." I replied. "Then I should get going, tell me what happened once your conversation ends." with that said, he went back home. I sighed and went to the kitchen to make myself some lunch. As I finished making myself a salad, I heard the doorbell ring. I walked towards the door and opened it, revealing Hoseok with a big smile on his face. He quickly went up to me and hugged me tightly with tears in his eyes. "It's been so long since I've seen you! Look at you all grown up. I've missed you so much!" Hoseok was was so happy to see me. "I missed you too Hoseok oppa!" we let go of each other and went to the kitchen. "Want some salad? There's some left in the bowl." I asked Hoseok. "No thank you, I already ate." Hoseok answered. I nodded an okay and began eating. "So, what did you want to talk about?" Hoseok asked. I swallowed my food before I spoke. "Today I just found out about something, I don't know if it's possible, because my friend Taehyung told me I want answers from you." I started. "What did he tell you?" he was interested. "He said that I'm half vampire, because my scent is mixed with sweet and bitter, but I don't know if it's true so I wanted to ask you." I explained. Hoseok looked down and sighed. "I think it's time to tell you the truth..." Hoseok started explaining the my problem. "What truth?" I asked. "Before you were born, dad was a vampire while our mom is human. I turned out to be a vampire while you... Turned out to be half vampire. That's why mom died. We never wanted to tell you, because you would freak out, but I guess you know now." Hoseok ended. "You're a vampire?" I asked. Hoseok nodded with guilt. "I wanted to protect you, but I was afraid that I'll kill you by losing control with hunger." Hoseok said. I grab a hold of his hand to reassure him that it's okay. "Don't blame yourself. Don't worry about me." I calmed him down. Hoseok looked up and smiled. "Now it's my turn to ask you a question." Hoseok said. "Okay, go ahead." I was happy, because he was happy. "Is your friend Taehyung a vampire?" he asked. "Yeah, why?" I was little bit shocked. "He never hurt you or anything?" he asked again. "No he didn't." I said. "Good, because if he does, I'll snap his neck and crush his his skull!" he threatened as his eyes turned red. "Don't worry he won't do anything harmful." I was little scared, because I have never seen him like that before. "Fine, but if he does let me know. Okay?" he calmed down. "Okay." I said. "I gotta get going now, I'll come visit some other time, when I have free time." he hugged me once more as he kissed my forehead and left. I guess it is possible to become half vampire.

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