Benjamin sat down at his table, in Mr. Miller's 4th grade class. Next to him was Ava Cleveland, diagonal from him was Avery Cable, and in front of him was Tom Deloach. Oh well. It'll have to do. He looked over to the table behind him, where Steven was sitting.

When he saw Steven was sitting next to Sophie Anderson, Ben snorted in laughter. He didn't know much about Sophie, but he did know she was a sarcastic smart-Alec. Steven Toth caught his friend's eye and mouthed 'help me' to him. Ben rolled his eyes and laughed.

"Okay! Er. Welcome to 4th grade, kids! My name is Mr. Miller, and I'm your teacher. Well, duh! So, I'm going to take attendance now."

"Okay! Now, I want you to all-" Mr. Miller was cut off as Sophie stood up. "Mr. Miller?" She asked. "Yes, Miss Anderson?" Mr. Miller asked. "Steven is annoying." Was all she said after a moment of silence.

Ben face-palmed. 'This is going to be a LONG year.' He thought to himself.

Benny Lou ~The Younger Life~Where stories live. Discover now