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This is not love, he tells himself. Not love, because he's fifteen and you don't fall in love at fifteen. At least, that's what he's always been told, and that's what he's always believed.

Jayden has never really been one for romantics, or an optimist, but this is something.

A something that makes his heart rate go insane when he sees her, makes his palms sweat when she smiles at him, it's why he can't stop thinking about her. She's on his mind almost constantly—twenty-four-seven, forever and always, open all hours—and it's driving him a special kind of mad.

Maybe it's just a dumb crush, he's always had a sort of crush on her. That has to be it. Just a crush, and crushes fade after time, so he'll probably be okay.

Because, he swears, he is definitely not in love with Faith Madison.

She smiles at him from across the room in Algebra I, and his stomach sinks at the same time his pulse races.

Because damn it all to hell, he is totally head over heels for Faith Madison.

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