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He's going to tell her, he decides, and ask her to the dance. He preps himself for two weeks, works up his nerve, because he can't back down now.

He is seventeen and in love and it's getting somewhat ridiculous. How hard can it be to just walk up to her and say, "Hey Faith, I think I love you."

Only, he doesn't think—he knows.


Will has kind of caught on at this point—because of Lucy, probably—and pokes him with his spoon.

Jayden scowls at him. "Get that shit away from me, it has pudding all over it."

His best friend scoffs and jams the plastic utensil back into his pudding cup. "Shut up, you prick. I was alerting you of Faith's presence, no need to be a complete dick."

He pales, and Will looks a little concerned.

"You were gonna tell her today, right? Like, I saw it on your calendar. Great job at being subtle by the way, dude—today's date was circled in red and you wrote "TELL FAITH" in all caps, like who does that—"

"Will," Jayden grinds out, "shut up."

He waves his spoon around and shrugs. "Whatever, man. Look, all I'm saying is, if you're looking for an opening, then this is pretty much your golden ticket. We're out here, technically alone enough, and there she is. I say go for it, bro."

Jayden takes a deep breath and tosses his bag of chips and half-eaten sandwich at Will, who grabs at it giddily, and stands. Come on, he tells himself, just walk up to her and say it.

He makes it halfway over to her before someone else shows up. He has blue hair and a facial tattoo—which makes Jayden freeze and blink. But what's even more unbelievable is that Faith practically throws herself into his arms, and is, apparently, crying.

This mystery guy holds her close and murmurs something into her ear, and then they kiss.

Oh, Jayden thinks, oh.

Back at their seat on the benches, Will has dropped the remainder of Jayden's sandwich and is gaping at the sight before him.

Well, what now?

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