Welcome to Treebridge: Prologue

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Hey guys!! This is my first story I'm writing on Wattpad, so please no terribly bad comments, but I would like the opinions of my readers, I would love to know what you all think of my writing. Bad, good, needs adjustment, whatever, I would love to know. Oh, and I'm rating this PG-13 because of violence, so there is no bad words or bad scenes in this book. I am not basing this book on the movie "Rise of the guardians" this book idea was mine way before the movie came out. Last thing, NO COPYRIGHTING!!! IF ANYONE SEES SOMEBODY COPYRIGHTING MY BOOK PLEASE LET ME KNOW IMMEDIATLY!!!!! Anyway! Back to the story, hope you guys like it!! Comment, vote and other stuff like that!


Jack's P.O.V

I stepped out of the portal, and looked at my surroundings, the ground was layered with a least a few inches of snow, the pale sun shone through the small gaps of the bare trees and beamed on the snow, making it sparkle and shine. The chilly wind ruffled my, spikey pale white hair, and I welcomed the cold biting, breeze on my bare back. But I coulnd't stay here, I had to find a place to hide and fast. I started walking north. Soon, after a couple of hours on the highway, I came upon a sign that said 'Welcome to Treebridge! Home of the Treebridge Grizzleys! Population of 16,000' this. I thought Is the perfect place to hide.

What do you guys think?? Should I continue??? Comments!!

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