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Dipper's perspective
(Photo on top is Felisha, Tyrone, Stan, and Mabel)

It has been 17 years, Tyrone and Felisha are going to college. And Pacifica and I are both 47 years old. We are waiting on the porch, as Tyrone pulled his trunk towards the car. "We'll miss you so much Tyrone" Pacifica cried, "tone down Pacifica, you've told them that 50000 times" I joked, Paz rolled her eyes and watched as Felisha pulled her trunk into the backseat. Tyrone came running towards us, "we'll miss you too mom" Tyrone smiled, as he hugged his mother tightly.

"Don't forget about me!" Felisha wrapped her arms around Paz, and then me. "Call us everyday, send us photos, and letters!" Tyrone sighed, "breathe mom, we will" Felisha giggled, "be safe, if you see a giant spider, call me" I said, Paz shot me a concerned look, "I'm kidding" I leaned closer to Felisha and Tyrone "but seriously though, if you see a spider, call me." Felisha giggled, punching me in the arm.

"Before you two go, I have a present" I ran back into the house, and came out with a red diary in my hands. "This is for the TWO of you, if you see anything in Hedge Cliffe, write it here" I told them, "ok dad" Tyrone replied, taking the diary. "If you see any strangers, you know what to do!" Paz said, "I heard Hedge a life is a dangerous town..." Felisha rolled her eyes, "not as dangerous as Gravity falls mom" Felisha replied.

"Ok then, you two better get into the car, it's 8:00" I smiled, "mom!! Dad!!" A voice came from inside the house, "Mabel keeps on touching my toys!" Pacifica smiled, "Stan why don't you come out and say goodbye to Felisha and Tyrone!" We had two more kids after Felisha and Tyrone turned 7, Stan and Mabel. Stan is 10, and Mabel is 4.

A hyper 4 year old, and a grumpy Stan walked outside, "bye bye Felisha, bye Tyrone, can I go back to playing now?" Stan groaned. "Stan Ford Pines, you are staying here and saying goodbye the right way" Paz said with a stern tone, "fine." Mabel ran up to Felisha and Tyrone and wrapped her small arms around their legs "Bai Bai Pelishah and Tairone" she smiled "bye bye Mabel" Felisha smiled, picking up Mabel, "bye Mabel, kisses" Tyrone smiled.

Stan hugged Tyrone, "bye big boy" Tyrone said, messing up Stan's blonde hair, "bye tuff guy" Felisha said, hugging Stan". Mabel has thick black hair, while Stan has thin Blonde hair, Stan is short, athletic, and stern, while Mabel is tall, and goofy. "Byeee!" Paz and I said, before Tyrone and Felisha got into the car, "love you mom! Love you dad!" Felisha and Tyrone said, before driving away into the distance.

And that's the end! Thank you all my voters, and followers for being with me through this journey. It has been amazing, And am hoping to make some more fan fiction in the future, but this door has closed, and will always be there for newcomers to open. Thank you everyone for voting and being amazing! I have become a huge Harry Potter fan so I will defiantly be doing some Harry Potter fan fictions. I love you all soooo much! Can we get this finale to 40 votes?!! IT SOUNDS IMPOSSIBLE, but hopefully we can make this dream a reality :)) (sorry for being cheesy)



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