7 - A Sweet Cacophony of Dying Cats

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Chapter 7- A Sweet Cacophony of Dying Cats


Pic of Emma Watson of Elissa Carlyle, Tallylah's old best friend, this is literally a punk edit of Emma Watson I found jfc, who am I 


It was nearing the end of the semester, and West College's homecoming was quickly approaching. Of course, the two banes of my existence, Elissa Carlyle and Holly LaRosa were in the running for homecoming princess, but what was surprising was the other candidates.

Another possible homecoming princess was Weylie herself, along with a girl named Kalani, though I didn't talk to her much.

For the guys, all of the eligible ho-co princes were the attractive white idiots of West. Admittedly,I don't remember their names because I simply don't care about homecoming, this isn't high school anymore and wondering who I should ask to awkwardly dance with me is not a priority.

In fact, I'm only planning on going to support Weylie and get as drunk as possible with the guys without faculty knowing. Thankfully, I don't have friends who spike the punch because that's just creepy and cliche, my friends would rather bring their own airline-sized bottles of Jack.

Homecoming is relatively popular at West because it's the only dance of the year that they hire a real DJ rather than a shitty band from the music department. Trust me, they're not good. Trevor calls the music department "a sweet cacophony of dying cats," because it's anything but euphonic.

Weylie is beyond excited to go to Homecoming, which has always been the case. Weylie has been to every school dance since she was in the sixth grade, minus the senior prom when she was arrested (which I think is her only regret of getting incarcerated).

In two weeks, the Student Center would be transformed into a glittery palace with streamers and a dangling disco ball, the potential princesses will likely be running around asking for votes (and I imagine Weylie will be dropping her pants if it's necessary, but that's her business), and the campus will be buzzing with excitement like your mother's vibrator.

Sorry, can you tell I'm bitter about this dance?

"Ashton, I have to win Homecoming princess!" Weylie whined, slumping over our bench by the Fine Arts building. I sat next to her and she curled into the fetal position and laid her head on my lap as she had her temper tantrum.

To humor the poor thing, I answered with, "And why must you win?"

"Because it's pertinent to my health, if I don't get the crown, I will likely die."

"Won't that be a relief..."

"Ashton!" She slapped at my chest, but I grabbed her wrist before she could land another jab on my torso. I laughed and placed a kiss on her knuckles.

"I kid, I kid, and Weylie, you're already a queen to me so why would Homecoming princess matter?"

What I had hoped when I said this would be a dramatic moment between the two of us like you see in those shitty romantic movies my sister, Aaliyah, made me watch. Maybe we stare deep into eachother's eyes and then I pull her into a steamy kiss on the quad.

However, I was met with a deep groan of distaste because I wasn't understanding her need to be crowned princess. Figures.


Four or so hours after my drama class with Weylie, I'm walking back to my apartment complex, when I see a strange sight. Standing awkwardly in front of the front door to the building is a pink haired priss. She's clad in a gray dress that's probably very in-style and her kitten heels, which contrasts with my jeans with far too many rips to be considered fashionable and all-white Jordans. 

"What a lovely surprise to see you here, Elissa, have you come to convince me to vote for you for Homecoming queen?" I ask sarcastically, just to see if I can get a rise out of her.

"With the rumors that were spreading around, I think we both know why I'm here, Ashton," Elissa's voice is deadly calm, as if she's choosing her words carefully. Which makes sense, Elissa Carlyle was always the girl with a hidden agenda in high school, she did everything for a reason and it usually wasn't a good reason. She has dirt on everyone, though many think she's as prim and proper as she appears. I just happen to be one of the people who has seen the way she manipulates things.

"I have no idea why you're here, Elissa, don't tell me you believe in rumors, that's very naive of you." I know why she's here, but giving Elissa the satisfaction of seeing me squirm is not on my to-do list today.

"It's funny, don't you think Ashton? Rumors only start up about what happened to Tallulah Bennet when Weylie is here, peculiar don't you think?" Elissa is like a python, she's careful and calculating, she watches her prey and attacks when they're weakest. And what can I say, I'm afraid of snakes.

"We both know what Weylie is like, she likes to stir up trouble, she brought up Tallulah to the class to start rumors, doesn't mean it has anything to do with her." I clutch my bag harder to hide my sudden uneasiness. 

"You may think you won that night, Ashton, but I'm not an idiot. I can put two and two together. Crazy how Tallulah cheats on you, and only six hours later, her house is burned to the ground with her still inside," I can see Elissa's eyes gloss over and her words start to come out strained, the one thing that can break Elissa's cold exterior is the loss of her best friend. Even I have to admit that the night Tallulah died brings tears to my eyes, "I may have only gotten Weylie put away with possession charges, but I won't stop until she's put away for life for what she did that night." With her speech done, she wipes her eyes and bolts away as fast as her heels can take her. 

I don't try to stop her or call out that she's wrong, because how can I put up an argument with someone who's got almost everything right.


A/N: this book wild 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2017 ⏰

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