My Precious Flower: Finny x Reader

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It was one of the largest balls of all in London,  thousands attended such an event for it was the Queen's birthday.

Being a family friend of the Queen's one and only watchdog, you just had  to be invited.

Scanning through all the figures in the room, you wanted to spot a certain blonde, the one who made your heart flutter each and every time you laid eyes on him.

After earning invitations to dance and rejecting every single one of them, you still with no luck whatsoever,  decided to give up searching thus bringing us to where you are now.

Your favorite place of all places...

...the snack bar,  because well... food is life.

There you stood munching on some snacks with desperation, looking bored as hell waiting for the chance to dance with the one person who you loved more than food.


"My Lady, why do you look so down? Is the party not to your liking?" asked a familiar voice.

"S-Sebastian!" you yelped out startled by his sudden presence.

"Well-it's not that it's, nevermind it's nothing, don't worry about it!"

Sebastian gave you a frown at your words.

"Lady ____, I know it's none of my business, but do you happen to be looking for the young master's servant, Finny?"

"-Whaaaaaaaattt? What makes you say something silly like that? O-Of course not! Ha-ha."



"You're a terrible liar." 

Damn it! He found out!

Noticing your reaction Sebastian had an amused look on his face, he was enjoying himself a little bit too much.

Sebastian, you always seem to be able to know what's going on through my head, no matter what kind of situation I'm in. It's not fair!  

"Ha ha ha okay you win, I wanted to dance with him but I can't seem to find him or even tell him, I'm just so nervous, you know what I mean?"

"Yes, I know exactly what you mean."

"Huh?" Realizing that Sebastian wasn't the one replying, but rather someone else you were hoping wouldn't hear, your eyes then grew wide.

Just hearing that voice made your blood begin to boil.

 Oh no... don't tell me he heard everything!

You turned around slowly taking your precious time until you couldn't turn anymore.

"Let's dance together ___!" 

"F-Finny!" you say still surprised from his sudden offer.

"I would love too!" you answered him.

Looking at his sweet gentle smile caused all your worries to slip away in just a blink of an eye.

Finny took you by the hand, and slipped his other hand firmly around your waist, this caused you to blush even darker.

Oh gosh he's too close! 

Flustered you averted your gaze, avoiding the charming features of the boy.


"Y-Yes, what can I do for you?" you reply nervously.

"Look at me."

I can't bring myself to look at him, no matter how much I want to! Oh come on ___! Just look at him! It's not like he's going to kidnap you and lock you with him in his room forever...but then again ...that doesn't sound so bad  being with him alone hehehehe... no, no, no, focus ___! No dirty thoughts!

Finny lifted your chin with his index finger, making you gaze at him with his usual cheerful character gone, nothing but the look of seriousness. It was like you weren't even looking at Finny anymore but someone completely different. 

Finny, when you look at me like that...I can't help but fangirl over your sexiness!

Due to the tension you were feeling, the palms of your hands grew sweaty.

"You're so delicate, so fragile, so innocent..." Finny murmurs to you.

Haha we all know I'm not innocent!

"I can't help but look at you, no other flower can resemble your beauty, I-I want you all to myself, I want to...deflower you~" he says in a seductive tone causing you to shiver in response to his words.

Oh shit!  

Noticing your reaction, his usual cheerful smile returns once again followed by a laugh.

"Just kidding! Seeing you react like that was so adorable that it made my heart skip a beat, hehe  you're so cute ___~"

"Wha-What?" you say in a shocked tone.

Finny laughs before speaking once again, this time whispering in your ear.

"But ____, I was never kidding when I said I wanted you all to myself."

"Do you really mean that Finny?"

"Of course! I am in love with you after all!"

Hearing those words gave you all the joy in the world, knowing that the one person who you loved so much loved you back, felt as if a huge weight was lifted from your shoulders. 

"Finny... I love you too."

Finny wrapped his arms around you giving you a tight squeeze.

"I'll never let you go...My Precious Flower"

(A/N): That's the end of the chapter, sorry it's like way too short and crappy, but I hope you enjoyed at least some of it despite how awful it was lol, and yes I know I haven't updated in months but I'm still working on that problem. Sorry if it wasn't Halloween themed since Halloween is almost here, but I thought of this chapter a long time ago so I didn't feel like changing the theme of the story, but any way Happy early Halloween everyone and I'll see you later! 


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