The Promise I Couldn't Keep: Ciel x Reader

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A/N: Heyooo! Yes yes I know it's about time I updated xD Anyways this particular chapter is a bit spoiler-ish? If you haven't caught up with the manga, then you may be slightly confused. (And let's just say that ch 129 shocked the fuck out of me (⊙_☉)) Anyways now that I've warned you then let's get on with it~

It started with a kiss, but that was it.

I chased him and chased him in endless circles hoping to find a way.

He stopped and stared.

Nothing more
Nothing less.

I stood there with the feeling of betrayal overwhelming me.

"Why!?" I cried out.

I received nothing but silence
He gave nothing but silence.

As he was turning around, I could only feel the pain from the sight of his silhouette disappearing into the distance.

Knowing he was with someone else only made the pain stronger.

"Ciel!" Shouted the cheerful blonde as her locks swayed from side to side.

"Lizzy." Replied the young lord in such a stoic manner.

Saddened by the pain of his dear"friend," he couldn't help but frown.

"Ciel, what is ever the matter?" She took his hand in hers asking in worry, eagerly waiting for a response.

"Don't fret Lizzy for there is nothing to be upset about." 

"Are you sure? You look pale! Shall I take you inside?" She questioned him squeezing his hands firmly.

"No, I'm Fine..." Said the young boy.

He looked back in your direction hoping to find you awaiting him, before leaving once more. 

But absence was all that remained.

He could only begin to feel the aching of his heart gradually grow inside him. It was the same suffering from what he felt that day.  

I could never forget the things he said that day.

Before the Tragedy  

"Hey Ciel, will you keep a promise for me?" You requested shyly.

"Of course ____! You're my best friend!" The little boy next you replied enthusiastically.

"Okay then, will you promise ..." You paused a bit, still unsure if you will get a good response. 

"What is it?" Ciel questioned you. His head tilted with curiosity.

"Will you promise to marry me?" Pink flushed your small cheeks as you waited for his answer.

Ciel was left speechless from the sudden request, his eyes wide and jaw dropped in confusion. 

"____...we both know that I can't promise that."

"B-But-" before you could manage to say anything, he cut you off.

"I'm engaged to Lizzy." 

That's where it hit me the most.

"I-I Know! But there must be way! I just know it!" You retorted back to him.

You averted your gaze and turned to the flowers that laid upon you.

"I can't keep your promise ___, but I can give you this." 

You looked up at Ciel, uncertain by what he meant.

He leaned slowly towards you giving you a sweet subtle kiss.

"Ciel?!?!" You shouted in embarrassment.

"Shhhhhhh!!!! ____!"

He let out a chuckle as he looked at you. 

That innocent laugh killed me.

"Right." You smiled at him with your cheeks a tint of pink.

What you didn't know was that there was a little boy watching the whole scene from his bedroom window. His room echoed with cries of melancholy, tears streaming down his cheeks uncontrollably. Desperately trying to wipe the tears away for he too was heartbroken.

You replayed the nostalgic event over and over again in your head.

"Was that really you back there? Just what happened to you? I want to be with you once more!" You thought to yourself.

"Ciel! Ciel!"

Ciel snapped back to reality.

"Huh? Oh yes, sorry Lizzy." 

"What is up with you today Ciel?" She says so while pouting at the young boy.

"Uh nothing I am just lost in my thoughts, if you excuse me I'm going to freshen up a bit."

"Cie-" she reached out for the sleeve of his blazer, but was to late.

The young lord stepped out the door confused from his feelings for you. He couldn't control himself much longer.

"____ I must see you."

He began walking which then later lead to running  not willing to give up on his legs just yet.

"_____!!!!" He shouted hoping you could hear his cries from miles away.

You looked out the window shocked and headed straight for the door.

"Ciel what are you doing here?!"

"____!" He says still short of breath.

"I may not be the guy you think I am, but I can assure you that I loved you as much as he did and I will continue to love you even more than he possibly can! I will cherish you always, I am in love  with you ____. I know I couldn't be there for you when you needed it the most. I live in a world full of regret and I can't bring myself to accept it. I'm so sorry. I will change for you!"

He reached out to stroke your hair in a gentle manner.

Something about his sudden gesture didn't feel quite right.


"Don't worry" 

Only someone I know can make me feel this way!

"I am here now."

Can it be?

"Hey! Why are you always inside? Come play with us!" You questioned the little boy in annoyance.

"I'm sorry I can't, don't worry I will play with you soon enough ____." Replied the little boy.

"Well hurry up, it's boring without you here!" 

The little boy reached out towards you and stroked your hair.

"Okay ____, anything for you." His cheeks flushed pink and gave you a sweet shy smile.

You couldn't help but feel guilt building up inside you, knowing who it really was.

"You're!! Why didn't I see it before!" You tackled the boy into a hug, tears falling one by one.

"____?" He began stroking your back soothingly.

You released him from his form and grasped his shoulders.

"Listen, you don't need to change! I love you the way you are! From all the suffering you've felt in the past I can guarantee you that you will no longer endure that. I will take all your worries away!"

You will never be alone again!

"Oh ____!"

The young boy embraced you tightly and whispered something in your ear. Something you didn't expect to hear.

"I will keep your promise."

Black Butler x Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now