From Start to End: Grell x Reader

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"What a weirdo" snickered the boy as he kicks the younger boy lying helplessly on the concrete floor, bruised from head to toe, his red hair drips of blood as it slowly gushes down to his forehead, surrounded, with nowhere to run.

"You don't belong here, no one likes you, no one will EVER LIKE YOU!" shouted the boy as the group of boys begin to beat him mercilessly once more.

"P-Please stop, I...beg you," whimpered the red-haired boy.

"Hey you! Quit it! What did he ever do to you?" You appeared before the group of boys, shouting at them and demanding them to stop.

"It's none of your business, you bitch, now go be useless somewhere else" yelled the boy, his back turned towards you, not having a care in the world.

"Now you've really crossed the line there, you bastard" you muttered under your breath.

You walked away in silence hearing the muffled cries of help from the young boy, as they disappear within your footsteps.

"Now, where were we?" The boy stared at the young redhead, lifting his foot to kick him in the face but before he could, he went face first into the concrete, his head bloody and scarred.

He lifted his face only to be greeted by yours. Your eyes fierce, showing no hesitation to give him another round with the large bloody bat, that you have held tightly in your small hands.


"Well, BITCH I'M BACK!" You say violently.

"G-Get away from me!" the boy cried out, he took off running along with the other group of boys, screaming in fear.

Dropping the bat, you crouched down and peered into the boy's small innocent face.

"Are you okay?" You asked reaching your hand to him, your tone gentle and sweet.

He shyly looked at you and took your hand, "Thank you for saving me, I don't know what I could've done if you weren't there."

"Your welcome!" You say giving him a cheerful smile.

"By the way, what's your name?" You ask curiously.

"Grell! What's yours?"

"My name is ___! Say, Grell, do you wanna be my friend?"

His face lit up at your offer, his big innocent eyes wide and shining behind the lenses of his glasses, and his smile full of excitement.

"Yes! I would love to ____! Let's be friends forever!" his voice lively as if he has forgotten all that had happened a few moments ago.

You smile in response and walked with him happily laughing together hand in hand.

Years have passed since the little incident between you and Grell, and now you can say you guys are the best of friends. He was everything you ever wanted in a friend, he understood you, cared for you, comforted you, laughed with you, cried with you, you couldn't have wanted more, but lately he hasn't been his happy cheerful self, and you couldn't help but worry about it.

"Please, please, please pick up the phone." You say so while walking in circles panicking.

"I'm sorry, the person you are trying to reach is not available right now please-" you hanged up the phone in anger for the twentieth time, frustration took you over and you couldn't wait any longer.

"Shiiittttt!! Grell! What the hell is going on? Why are you ignoring me so suddenly? What did you mean when you sent me that text? Why can't you realize that the things you do, the decisions you make, affect me too!"

Tears streamed down your face, your cheeks puffy and red, you couldn't take the pain anymore and all you wanted to do was run into those arms of his as he holds you tightly.

You turned your phone on to look at the messages he sent you one last time.

____...Thank you for everything you have done for me, you were the greatest friend I've ever had and I'll always cherish you...Goodbye.

"I can't let you leave so easily, no, not in a million years!"

You got up and left your house, and began running towards the one place you thought he would be, you clenched the hem of your dress ever so tightly full of nervousness of losing your one and only friend. Reaching the building, you headed straight to the roof.


"...____" he mutters, tears streaming down his face.

"I'm so sorry"

Your eyes grew wide, you ran towards him reaching your hands to him, hoping it would catch him in time.

Are you okay?


Say, Grell, Do you wanna be my friend?


Yes! Let's be friends forever!

"Love You!!!!"

It was already too late, you ran towards the railing, looking down you could see his lifeless body lay there bloody on the concrete, tears streamed down your face uncontrollably.


You opened your eyes from the sudden remembrance of your memories, you laid on the floor with the fabrics of your dress splattered with blood, you couldn't move, you felt heavy and out of breath, and couldn't bring yourself to sit up.

"A-ha-ha is this the end of me? Does that mean I can finally see Grell once again?"

"______, female, twenty-four years old, it says here she has been in an accident while she was on her way to Paris, doesn't look like she doesn't have much time to live." says a man with long flowy red hair with glasses.

Grell? Is that you?

"Let's get this over with, I want to see my precious Bassy~"

Please remember me!

"Now for the Cinematic Record!"

There he stood before you, the red-haired man who you loved so dearly held his chainsaw towards you, plunging your heart until you could see him no more.

Who knew that the man who took his precious life away...

...Would take mine too... 

Black Butler x Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now