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The Team watched anxiously, listening to nothing but silence as Fury waited a response from Madeline. He had just explain the ordeal of the Avengers to her and the proposal he proposed. She just stared at him blankly, eyes glazed over as she flexed her hands.

"TEA!" She screeched, hopping from her chair as all the cuffs magically disappeared and a tea cup and pot appeared in her hand.

She poured herself a cup of the steaming beverage and drank it while before taking her tea cup and launching it at the surprised Fury. He dodged it flawlessly and everything fell silent as the pottery smashed against the cell wall. Madeline just shook her head.

"I agree to joining your Team of heroes mister Pirate"

With that, she breezed past the Director and left the cell, meeting the Avengers as they came running into the room. They looked at her in shock and all she did was gleefully link her arm through Natasha's and headed back to the common room with the guys following closely behind.

She plopped herself down onto the seat and gazed of out the window as the Team gathered around and also took a seat.

"Mads, what's up?" Clint questioned.

"It's growing nearer to the time of this war, I should tell you all of what to expect"

"It can't be that bad" Natasha smiled and as did the others, but the grave look on Madeleine's face didn't change.

"The red Queen means to lead her army into war, bringing the prized Jabberwocky in the fight after having it being brought back to life from its previous battle with Alice.  Her army, they are solitaire, playing cards that play at the hands of violence and war." She explained, hands playing with the hem of her trench coat as she spoke.

"Well, what about your queen?" Bruce questioned.

"Her army consists of the white knights, her people, they aid in this fight. However they rely on me, but I rely on you, all of you, to help fight this war" Madeline explained, before shooting up quickly and pouncing over Bruce and onto another figure behind him.

He hacked as she wrapped her hands around his neck, kneeing him in the stomach and digging her elbow into his collar bone until he cried out in pain. Madeline jumped up and wrapped her legs around his waist, knocking the unknown man backwards as she onto of this punched him square in the face. The man fell smack into his back and grunted in pain as Madeline got of him and studied her work as the others gathered around.

"Madeline! That's Ward!" Barton called, helping the man up.

"Who is he?" She snarled, suddenly taking on a very feral approach to this man who stood behind Clint as the archer protected him.

"Step down brat" Ward scoffed, looking over Clint's shoulder at the woman who's face was concealed by a top hat.

"Mads, what's gotten into you?" Stark questioned but she just ignored him as a low growl rumbled at the back of her throat and she took on a defensive stance.

"What sort of chick have you brought home Stark? She's mad!" Ward chuckled.

Madeline just let a breathe of a giggle passed her lips, her cheeks splitting into a wide grin that met her eyes as she flicked her hat up and gazed into Wards eyes.

"I'm insane...there's a difference"

She lunged towards once more, a cackle leaving her lips as Ward frantically stumbled back as Clint moved out the way.
Madeline threw her leg into his stomach and sent him flying into the wall, catching the bricks and leaving a hole as she stalked closer.

"You play the role of a wolf in sheep's clothing well." Madeline praised, before a sleek, long, thin, black sword appeared in her hands.

The weapon was encased by purple wisps of magic as the tip of it was lightly dragged along the floor as Madeline moved closer. She now stood face to face with Ward, and with as less movement as possible, she reached into his gun holster and grasped his hidden dagger. She inspected it for what she was looking for and when she found it, Madeline tossed the weapon into Nat's hands.

The fiery red head inspected the weapon and her eyes narrowed when she spotted the octopus logo painted on it in white. She relayed the new information to Fury and it wasn't long until he responded.
Nat just smirked slightly before repeating what Fury had said to Madeline.

"You can hurt him, but only slightly, he is being saved for interrogation and something Agent May and Agent Johnson like to call 'payback'. Have at him...Hatter"

Madeline just grinned once more at seeing Ward pale before impaling him in the shoulder, hearing him howl in pain, she just hummed before watching him slump over in darkness.

Knocked out.

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