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Hatter was right, the time came around all too quickly and before she knew it, she was stood in the common room with the Avengers all gathered around. Waiting to start their trip to I

She grasped her hat and placed it upside down atop of the coffee table. Spinning it round, it began to grow larger and larger until a large rabbit hole replaced where the coffee table once was. The Team peered in, seemingly cautious but Madeline gave them no time to rethink the situation as she pushed Clint and Tony in first. The two let out ear piercing, undignified shrieks and not long after a chuckling Thor and cautious Nat and Steve followed after. Madeline turned towards Bruce, who was showing obvious fear.

She smiled softly, taking his hand in hers and sending him a reassuring smile before jumping in together.

Bright lights and colours evaded their vision, vials and potions passing them as they went, cupboards, mirrors, doors, tables and chairs. As well as many, many, many books. They all finally landed with an 'oomph' and as they did, Hatter picked up her Hat that had now dropped to the ground as the rabbit hole closed.

The Avengers looked around in wonder, basking in the colours and designs of this room they had landed in that was filled with many different types of doors.

"Which one do we go through Madeline?" Steve asked, glancing over the many oak doors.

"None of these" she replied before tugging the blue curtain open that hung to the side of the room, revealing a minuscule door and just to the side of it a table that held seven bottles with a tag that said 'drink me'.

The team all took one each and stared at the liquid inside in wonder and part disgust, not sure what it would do to them at all.

"Bottoms up!" Hatter cheered, throwing her head back and downing the liquid in one go with Thor following close after and the others slowly doing the same one by one.

They all then looked at each other questioning and in puzzlement as everything slowly began to grow bigger and larger in size. It was only when they saw Madeline happily going through the ten inch sized door did they catch on to what was happening and follow through after.

Right through that door led another corridor decorated in black and pink checkered tiles, with pocket watches hanging all around the walls, ticking repeatedly. Walking down the corridor, they came upon a large mushroom and upon that mushroom was a blue caterpillar that was smoking from a hookah.

"And Whoooo...areee...youuuuuuuu?.." he drawled out, blowing smoke into Natasha's face that made her cringe away.

"'s me, Hatter" Madeline informed, giggling slightly as she tipped her hat up for the caterpillar to see.

"Hatterrrrrr?" He asked, shocked, blowing ringlets of smoke into the insane women's face who just grinned at him.

"Chessshhireee...he looooks for youuu"

"Really? Caterpillar, I need to get through that door" she pleaded, gesturing to the door behind him and he looked hesitant before wriggling away.

Madeline grinned to herself before walking through the door with the Avengers following behind her, however not before stealing some of the mushroom from both sides and sneaking them into her trench coat pocket.

The sight that greeted them was horrendous, a place that was once so bright and full of fun was now wilting away. Reds and blacks filling the scenery of the once lush landscape. Madeline just smiled sadly, tugging her hat further onto her head to conceal her features before sharing the correct part of the mushroom out to everybody.

"What are we supposed to do with this?" Clint asked, looking at it in disgust.

"I'm guessing eat it? It will return us to our normal sizes?" Banner questioned and took a bite into the mushroom as Madeline nodded.

With everyone back to their normal sizes, they all ventured into the forest of Wonderland. All on edge besides the mad woman who babbled on about not being able to have any tea. She however soon silenced her complaints when they all felt many beady eyes watching them in the bushes. Low growls filled the suffocating silence and the Team all huddled together with their backs touching as they circled around. Natasha clutching her guns, Clint grasping at his bow and arrows, Steve readying his Shield, Thor had his hammer and Stark had his suits repulsors as the suit encased him. Banner was in the middle of them all, trying not to hulk out just yet under orders from Steve.

Packs of wolves crawled from out of the bushes and patrolled around the group, yellow eyes scanning up and down the Team.

"Oh I forgot to say!" Hatter called as she summoned her purple blade.

"What?!" Clint snapped.

"Your weapons won't work like they always do down here, there will be a twist"


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