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Eden P.O.V


I'm honestly used to sleeping on the cold hard ground at this point. Nothing really fazes me anymore, I guess that's a good thing in this situation. I haven't laughed nor smiled in a long time now, sometimes it scares me. It's because happiness can be taken away in a heartbeat. 

I feel little rain droplets on my skin going one by one until it gets faster. Oh crap, my fire. It takes way too long to make a fire going to keep me warm at night and now that I finally got the fire working, there's going to be rain. Just my luck. 

I look around to see if anyones around me, then gathering my bag to find good shelter.

I have to say, I'm quite good at being alone in this apocalypse. I can quickly find the best shelters, safe enough so that no corpses can get to me, neither can other people. 

Everyone's changed since the war, but I don't blame them. Some have turned into cannibals because it was easier to find people than to find actual food. Luckily I have not. 

Since World War V, the government created a chemical that they thought was going to kill all their enemies. Little did they know, the radiation of that chemical killed almost 75% of the living population, the rest of the 20% were just infected, and the rest of the 5 percent were safe. I, Eden Parker, are one of the lucky ones. But I can't say I'm really lucky, it's still a challenge everyday and I'm still technically fighting for my life. 

Getting up, I tie my black hair into a high pony tail. I walk around the the dark, spotting a few buildings close to each other.

It's usually all about strategy, you have to find a building with no one in it. 

I lay my eyes on a particular building. It was very old and it looked like it would fall over in about a year. Perfect, I thought. No one would think of hiding in this building. 

I scan my surroundings, making sure no one was passing by. Once I knew it was all clear, I made a run for it. I ran inside the building, securing the glass door with a big piece of wood from the ground. All I saw was dining tables and an old chandelier. I'm guessing this place was once a restaurant. 

I go to the back where it once was a kitchen. I check the fridge, then the drawer to find any sign of food. 


In the drawer, 10 cans of "Chick's Mushroom Soup" was scattered inside. I took all 10 and put them in my black large backpack. The cans were quite small. I wonder why no one really checked this place for food, I mean there are 10 jackpots here. 

It usually isn't like this. It was mostly me finding no luck with food. But thank god, I get to manage around here sometimes. 

I walk a couple of stairs up until I reach the 3rd floor. It was the 3rd dining place area and it was pretty much empty. All the tables were either flipped over or scattered in different areas. 

I take out a thin rag from my bag and cover myself as I lay down on the dirty carpet floor. 

We still had lakes and ponds so I did shower, obviously. I would've smelled like a skunk if I didn't. 

I slowly let myself fall asleep once I thought I was safe. 

Then thank the fucking lord, I was awoken by the sound of footsteps. I darted out of my bed, taking out my gun. I pointed it in front of me. 

I put a little bit of pressure on the trigger. I didn't see the person exactly but I knew it was a guy. 

"Who are you?" I said in my classic intimidating voice. It always worked for people who were weak.

"Oh, a girl." The voice speaks, I could feel the smirks somehow. The man steps out of the shadows, revealing himself. 

I point the gun directly to his head once he stepped forward. 

"One more step and my bullet is going straight through your head." 

"I don't really see girls out in the field like this. You're quite the feisty one." 

He had an annoying smirk, he wasn't intimidated by me or my gun. I shake my head, remembering my classic line. 

"Put all your stuff down and kneel," I raise my voice. 

"Oh sweetie, don't get too loud. You'll attract attention, don't you know." 

He continues walking towards me. I don't know why I just couldn't pull the trigger, something just stopped me from doing it. 

"Come on, pull the trigger."

He was now too close. He bent down and smirked at me. He took my gun and placed it beside me. 

I was clueless at this point. When all my senses came back to me I dart up from my sitting position and swing my leg to kick him so that he falls to the ground. I go for the kick and the next second my body was flipped over and my butt was faced up. 

I'm assuming he took my leg and flipped me over somehow. That happened way too quickly for me to understand what happened. I grunted in frustration.

"If you don't tell me who you are I'm going to hurt you," I knew by those moves that there was no way I was going to hurt him. I'm just not letting him see that side of me. 

"Yeah right princess. You can't even shoot me with your gun." 

"You should be thankful I didn't shoot you right away." 

He chuckles then suddenly reaches forward. My instincts tell me to grab the gun and immediately shoot. So I did. But he dodged the freaking bullet. 

My eyes widen at this point. I'm usually very fast and I've been practising a lot for this. 

"Good job princess, you've attracted the zombies," He said with a grin. I snickered, grabbing my stuff. I was not going to be around this guy any longer. 

"Shut up." 

I didn't want to deal with this guy's bullshit anymore nor did I want to fight a mob of zombies at the moment so, I just got up and left, like always.

Just before I was about to step out of the old room, he stops me, asking where I was going.

"I'm leaving," I said as if it was obvious. 

"Oh no you're not."

"Oh yes I am?" 

"I'm not gonna be here alone fighting zombies that you caused."

"Then leave, duh," I rolled my eyes. I then continue to leave and I could hear the guy running behind me. 

Once I got to the first floor, I was greeted by a mob of corps banging on the front entrance. I wasn't surprised, I was used to this. 

I huffed and got out my baseball bat, ready to kill these mob of zombies.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2016 ⏰

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