Chapter One

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"Her ankle!" Piper yelled," cut it!"

It happened faster than I could process as I hung on with every fiber in my being to the edge, knowing that below was an endless pit of chaos and evil. Also known as Tartarus.

I looked at the son of Hades and suddenly Annabeth was up atop as Nico took her place.

Then we fell.

It wouldn't have mattered who was there as we fell into the darkened abyss. We clung onto each other, not knowing when we would hit the ground and die. You can't survive that unless by some miricle we land in water.

If anything was said between the two of us, I heard nothing. I couldn't even see Nico two inches away from me.

My gods, it felt like days before we landed.

And we did so in water.

But in this water there were spirits. Spirits who told me things and whispered these little things I had been telling myself ever since he died. Ever since Luke died. That he's gone, it doesn't matter anymore. Just let yourself drown. Maybe then you can be with him again, right?

Then I heard Nico yelling from above me.

"Don't listen to it, Percy!" The son of Hades yelled at me," they're supposed to depress you and try to drown you! Whatever you're hearing, ignore it! Swim up!"

For a minute I debated if I should or not before knowing I couldn't let Nico go through here alone and swam up, where the demigod was sitting.

"Come on," he told me," this place depresses me."

The two of us started to walk along the place so closely linked to the Underworld. It must've been an hour of silence, minus the monsters that would try to attack us, before we spoke to one another.

"Why did you jump?" I asked Nico," instead of just letting me go alone?"

The son of Hades seemed to consider a few answers before actually making it vocal.

"Well I mean it's Tartarus," Nico tried to explain," this is where monsters and immortals go when they 'die.' Nobody should do it alone and if Annabeth has a broken ankle its just more likely someone gets hurt even worse. I don't think anyone would be very happy if either of you two had gotten hurt or gods forbid died because maybe Annabeth couldn't walk or you drowned right there. I'm not that heartless. I might seem like it. But I'm not."

I nod my head, understanding that.

"You just don't prefer people," I added on to his last remark," which makes you quiet, which makes people think you don't care."

"How did you figure that?"

"I'm the same way. At home," I explained, " if I wasn't shoved into the position I was in I'd be that way here, too. I just... I mean people just don't like me and I really don't care. They're idiots anyways."

"Exactly," Nico agreed as we continued walking," when I left camp those couple times I left I made friends with one person that stuck around. The other two found out a few things about me, not the gods are anything, just personality wise and they were quick to send me on my way. But what with you? I mean, you seem like a likable guy."

"My record and my school files have set me up for failure."

"You have a record?" Nico seemed shocked by this," Percy Jackson has a law record? What did you do?"

"I haven't gotten in trouble since like Middle School if that helps anything," I explained," but the last time it happened that was proven was a girl in 6th grade hated Grover. People liked me. But they hated Grover, and Grover was my friend and they started to pick on him. So I beat the crap out of them and was on probation for a month. Wait, I take that back. I did it in seventh grade, too. Same situation. But Tyson was picked on and I mean they didn't like me that much because they were all stuck up brats but whatever, right? I haven't beat up somebody in high school. Yet. I still have my Junior and Senior Year to go. Assuming I go home."

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