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Once Anakin had left, he left alot of clone troopers easy to distract them with a simple mind trick and make them tell a lie and then get of world. Luckly he left a couple of troopers, i jump down and cut them with my light saber "yes" i said. But then i stop my friends... i will burn them and hope they turn into the living force. now to get to the ship bay that will be a problem. but when i go outside there is nobody only dead body's of masters,padawans,and clones. Then out of no were a few clones jump out of hiding and attack me i doge the first 3 but the last one hit me in the elbow i fight back a screem in my throught i open my light saber and deflect the last few shots back at the shooter and the ones that i had force pushed got up and scrambld away running for there life. Ha i start gigling but stop my self i remember master yoda tell me over confadence is a weekness. okay i half to get back on my trip... shoot im woonded that means i need a pilot to get me to aldaaran. just then a pilot sees me this is bad i think then he sais" are you trying to get of world because if you are i can help you" WHAT YOUR FRENDS JUST ATTEMPTED TO KILL ME!!! they were brain washed with a chip but i removed my chip so i will hellp you. were is the... o i see you were hit in the elbo, yep i said any way i want to go to aldaaran and help them from any thing i can and my family lives there.WHAT ARE YOU CRASY he asked me. no i just want to make shure they are okay. Okay i will take you but i will have to get some of my frends to help, okay i say. wait who are your frends?

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