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so what is your name i ask the clone " Anaken calls me reper and what is your name " he said. Ekans i replie, well hello genral Ekans he said, no need for that... just then we step in to a new room with twenty clones clening there blasters. hello brothers reper said on my reconasence mission  i fownd a surviving padawan named genr... i stoped him righ then "Ekans" i say, were do you want to go the leader called Rex asked me. Aldaaron i said, why half of them ask? to help my frends and family from the republic, so that i can protect them from any harm and then i can live like a happy family. My gosh. I dont know wether you are brave or stupid sais rex. Just then i see the colers on there armer then i ask if they are in the 501  yes they reply. what you guys are and were the best platun ever and you are stuck HERE NOT DOING ANYTHING FOR THE OLD REPUBLIC!!!!!shut up or else every trooper in this temple will shoot us a i see one allredy has pointing to my elbo... o ya that i can fix it up sais a clone "thank's" i say then i ask if reper and hecter can acompany me. so wen do we leve i ask? Now replise Reper and hecter alright  what are we wating for? LETS GET GOING

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2018 ⏰

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