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I changed into something comfortable, and slipped on my shoes.

They were still in perfect condition, and the amount of times I thought about selling them was unbelievable. Making my way outside, I walked to the edge of our crescent and ran across the street before making my way to the sandwich shop a couple blocks down. The owners used to know my mom; I'm pretty sure they were friends from high-school.

"Oh, Sammy!" My face ignited in a blush when my name was called out. "Patrick! Get me a new loaf of bread!"

"Hi, Sara."

Rolling her eyes, she dusted her hands off on her apron before coming out from behind the counter and pulling me in a bone crushing hug.

"Hey, baby. How're you?"

I shrugged. "Fine, you?"

Sara grinned. "Great! I'm actually..." she leaned close to my ear and whispered, "pregnant." My eyes widened and I immediately looked down at her belly, and was she ever. "But enough of me! Let's get you that sandwich, eh? What kind of meat." She spun us around and pushed me towards the counter. "Pick two; it will be on the house tonight."

Blushing, I quickly picked two before standing aside when another lady walked into the shop.

"Oh, Mrs. Weber." Sara smiled, spinning around gracefully to put my sandwich in the oven to toast. "What can I get for you today?"

"Can I get three sandwiches. One of my boys should be in, in a bit to choose what goes on them."

My eyes widened and I looked to the side to see, in fact, her eldest son walking towards the shop door. Silently cursing, I walked to the back of the shop and locked myself in the washroom.

I didn't want to see him, and I definitely didn't want to talk to him. Sam knew my weak spots, and getting me to forgive him would come so easily, but I didn't want that.

I waited a couple of minutes before flushing the toilet and rinsing my hands off. I was dreading going back out there. I didn't want to see Sam. Pursing my lips, I pushed my ear up to the door before stumbling back when three knocks echoed in my ear.

"Sam, I know you're in there." There was a long pause. "I tried looking for you around the school, but I couldn't find you. I want to apologize."

"They ripped my school textbook." I whispered. "You watched. Then you just watched them hurt me."

Sam sighed before wiggling the door. "Can you please open up? I don't like there being so much space between us right now."

Opening the door, I looked up at him with teary eyes. "I hate this. I really hate this, Sam."

He didn't even bat a lash at my words, and instead he wrapped his arms around me. "I know, but I don't want to let you go. I don't. I'm sorry I'm putting you through all this."

Tears rose to my eyes when his scent invaded my features. "I'm tired of it all." I said. "I'm tired of my life. I hate it so much. There isn't a day that I wish it could have been me instead of my mom." My voice cracked, and I was sent into a round of tears and sobs.

"Don't say that, Sam. Please don't." Pressing my palms to my eyes I nodded slowly. "I'm going to tell my mom I'm staying with you, so go wipe your eyes, and meet me out when you're ready, alright?"

I barely managed a response before Sam pulled me away, kissed my forehead, and departed to talk to his mom. I wandered back into the washroom and dabbed at my eyes; clearing all the tears, I opened the bathroom door and walked out to meet Sam hugging his mom.

"He's from school. He leant me his Biology textbook, and one of the triplets... Tanner." His mom gasped, holding him an arm's length away. "Ripped the book apart." His mother scowled, and shuffled through her purse, and produced a hundred dollar bill.

"I hope this is enough for his text book. If you need any more let me know, please, and I will wire it to your account."

Sam nodded, handing his mom the sandwiches before he turned around with a smile on his face when he saw me. He made a detour to grab my sandwich off the counter before motioning for me to follow him to a seat.

"Sit," he said when I hovered behind the chair. Obeying orders I sat down in the chair and grabbed my sandwich when he handed it to me while taking his own into his hands. "So, I was wondering after you eat we can go back to your place?"

My eyes snapped up to his. "It really isn't clean." I lied. Truth was I didn't want him in my home. I didn't want him to see the empty cupboards, pantry, and fridge. I didn't want him to know that I rarely ate dinner.

"Mine is never clean when you come over."

I opened, and closed my mouth. "Yah... but..." You always had food in your house. You are always able to offer me something to drink other than water.

"Is it because you have no..." he leaned in close. "Groceries?" I took a bite of my sandwich and avoided his eyes. "I told you to tell me if you needed anything, Sam." He sighed. "I told you if you don't have any--"

I shook my head. "Can you stop?" I whispered. "I don't... we don't want charity. Ok?"

Samuel's mouth fell open. "So you would rather starve? You already are basically bones. Just let me help, alright?" I pulled my arms to myself self-consciously. "How about you go on another date with me, and I'll buy you food for your house. That way it's not charity." My face scrunched up. That all together was a waste of money.

"I can't. I think it's just bad if we do anything more."

"Can we at least go and do something?" he offered. "Watch a movie? Get dinner or something?"



I rolled my eyes, letting a small smile slip on my mouth. "Fine... but I have to be back before eight."

Samuel smirked. "Deal."

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