Meeting The Fucking Brothers

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June's pv

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June's pv

"Oi Chichinashi, whos at the door?" a males voice calls behind Yui. "Chichinashi?" I question, knowing Yui has more boob then me. "U-um this is m-" Yui trys to say but I cut her off "I'm her older brother, June Komori. Now, who the hell are you?" I say" Oi, you shoulden't be talking like that to yours truly" He says like a stuck up. As I was about to say something I hear another voice " Ayato please make a good impresion on our guest. I'm sorry Mister June, am I right?" A guy with glasses says. "Yes and may I ask, what is your name sir?" I say putting up a "goodboy act" "I'll introduce myself and the others in the living room" he says walking to god knows where so I followed, If I'm lucky I'll be in neverland and won't have to worry about any shit in my life ever again! We enter a large room and I'm like "dafuq, how large does a room have to be? I mean, this room is bigger then alot of fucking houses!" Yui snaps me out of thought by saying my name "June... You ok?" "Y-ya... Why does a room need to be this fucking big..." I whisper to her but she doesn't answer. Then glasses clears his throat and I just noticed all 6 males in the room. "I'll state everyones name-"

Lil time skip cuz I'm to lazy to do the introduction for the brothers(don't know their name? Look it dafuq up!)

"Ok I got the names, I'm June Komori and I'll be staying to keep an eye on my sister" I say like a gentleman "Tch, I don't have time for this!"Subaru says and smashes the wall. "U-um can I have Yui show me to my room?" I ask " Vary well" Reiji says and when I was walking out with Yui I fall and scrape my knee " Smart move June" I think to myself. When I look up I see the brother's eyes glowing... "The fuck going on with your eyes?" And then it hits me remembering vampier books "D-don't tell me... YOUR FUCKING VAMPS!" as I said this I get up and turn to Yui " Welp I'll be taking my leave, knowing you've been here for a long time I know you'll be safe" I say about to rush to the door "Looks like chichinashi's brother isn't man enough to stay" Ayato states smirking like the idiot he is. "You know what... I'll stay dumbass" God... what did I get myself into...


Thanks for reeding(If I fucking get any readersT_T) Vote,comment, or whetever you fucking wanna do! Bye! ^_^

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