Meeting The Mukami Brothers...part 3

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Thanks for waiting!!! I'm fucking sorry but I'm going to have slow updates... I know, it sucks like shit waiting for a short part of a story and stuff and I'll try to update every two days and stuff. I did my HSA test and stuff so hope me luck *Cuz I'm a lazy bum and this story kinda reflects on how I feel about school* that I get a good score. Anyways moving on to the story!!!



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June pv

"Anyways I'm going to walk around more. See ya later!!!" I said waving at him.  After walking around I became a lost potato...

Lil time skip thanks to: H.O.P.E= Hold On, Pain Ends. Sm;)e, at them biches!!! (IDK it's 4:20am and I feel like I'm higher then helium cuz I've been up for 3 days and drank alot of coffee and no I don't do drugs and drink cuz you know what? I'm a 15 year old horny boy!!!)

Still June pv

 My legs are sore and I still don't know where I am!!! I hear talking but I'm toooo lazy to open my eyes cuz I'm tired and feel like passing out. I walk more and bump into someone 'Thats the second time. How clumsy can I get' I think to myself. "Oi, watch where your going" someone yells. "Yuma lets go" ya I'm lost, don't need to help the new guy. "Ya Ruki... Wait arn't you the new guy thats Yui's sister?" asked who I belive is Yuma "Ya thats me. Why do you ask?" I say still laying down on the cold hard ground

____________________________________________________________________________Thanks for reading and sorry it's short and stuff. You shall kill me now!!! I will be thankfull so I don't have to go to fucking school!!! Here are some pics!!!

 You shall kill me now!!! I will be thankfull so I don't have to go to fucking school!!! Here are some pics!!!

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Diabolik lovers: Yui's sister crossdress (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now