Yui has an older brother named June Komori. Wait did I say older brother? I mean older sister! She doesn't like girly cloths and stuff like makeup so she just puts on whatever and because she has a flat chest she's mistaken for a dude. Like she care...
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June pv
Wellll, I should of got my schedule. Meh, like I care about school. What has school done for me that helped? Lets see~ 1)It's a prison that people are suppose to go too 2)The teachers want you to do things like homework with out giving me anything like money and 3) I just don't fucking like school~!!! I think I'm going to skip this shit and the rest of the days that follow~. I went to the roof and pulled out my 3Ds and started playing Kingdom Hearts 3D and sat down next to to the fence. As I was playing I noticed my bandages were loose so I looked around to see if anyone was around cuz the bell just rang telling people to get to next class. There was no one in sight so I brought my shirt up just below my chest and saw some scars and cuts and stuff due to me being reckless. I tighten the one around my abdomen and chest. After I covered it up with my shirt I went to the ones on my arms. As I was tightening it I felt someone tap my shoulder which made me jump and yelp. I turned around and saw a guy with a cut on his nose and had bandages too. "You... Shoulden't be... Up here... And I don't... recognize you..." Well I don't give a flying fuck about school bro "Ummm... Ya I'm new, and I don't really like school..." I said scratching the back of my head "My name... Is Azusa..."
Azusa pv (Didn't see this coming huh! >:) ya... It's not that long...
This is Yui's brother... I wonder if Kou... and them know...