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Eves POV

I held my beautiful baby girl in my arms smiling. Jerome I knew was outside because the stupid hospital rules said no hybrids. Bloody rules. I stood up and drew the curtains to get changed. I pulled on my jeans and a t-shirt with a hoodie saying 'Bloody Hell!' and strolled out cradling my beautiful baby girl. I met an anxious Jerome outside o the bench and he stood up immediately. I smiled amd held out our baby for him to hold when I saw, all to late, those red particales that were Herobrines teleport particals. He grabbed the baby and teleported away, all in a split second. I took a deep breath and my face contorted with pain. I refused to cry in public but tears were coming to my eyes. My beautiful daughter. Not even 1 year old. Gone. I grabbed Jeromes arm and teleported home, despite not having the car. Bryanne was there with Amber and Bryanne was listening intently to Ambers latest story. When we teleported in Amber stood immediately, seeing the tears in my eyes. She ushered Bryanne out of the room as I told her how Herobrine had taken my girl. My girl. My gorgeous, 1 hour old girl.

Herobrines POV

As if I would leave her. Stupid girl. When I took her daughter I went straight to my lair in the nether. It was time for me to have an assistant.

an: Sequel alert! Called: Herobrines daughter, with the added charachter @macklefang and thats it comment if you want a part and give a name and appereance, likes, dislikes ect. Thanks for reading! :D

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2013 ⏰

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