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Eves POV

I had Jeromes furry paw in my hand. I hadnt left his side since he had got the injury. Red and Tiff left a few days ago. They must have killed a load of people because there were only 4 people left. Then it hit me. Well more like two things. The first was that me, Tiff, Red and Jerome were alive. The second was that we had to kill them. Jerome groaned. "O!O!" I exclaimed exitedly. "What?" He groaned. "You! Youre alive!" I shouted. "THE CPRNUCOPIA HAS BEEN REFILLED!" Jerome stood up and I stood up with him. He grabbed his axe a determind look on his face. As I grabbed my bow, I heard the cannon fire. We walked to the entrance and watched as Red killed Tiff. I stood in shock. Jerome took my hand and said quietly "C'mon. We gotta get to the cornucopia." I nodded, silently griefing for poor old Tiff. We walked along in silence. We could see the cornucopia and a demented Red. The bags under his eyes were ridiculous and he had a crazed, maniac look in his eyes. He looked our way and I gripped my bow tighter and notched an arrow. He ran closer and I let the arrow fly. It hit him in the chest and he fell to the ground. The cannon sounded and I looked at Jerome. He was crying. "Jerome" I whispered. I knew he was thinking what I was thinking. "YOU WONT HAVE A WINNER YOU SICK BASTARDS! I yelled grabbing Reds sword from his hands and holding it dangerously close to my heart. I was crying now. Jerome had his axe near his heart. "This might be the last time I get to say it." I said sadly. "I love you Eve." Jerome said.

"Jerome..." I whispered as I dissapeared in a cloud of purple dust leaving very confused Jerome behind.

an: TWIST! If you read trapped you mightve guessed this was coming. Lol. Dedicated to Amberpet for helping me with an irl problem. Thanks Amberpet!


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