Chapter Eight

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"C'mon, Harry, please? Just one more joke?" I begged. "Nah. They say my jokes suck ass." "C'mon, I like them, just one more joke." I laughed at him. He rolls his eyes, and smiles at me. He's cute when he smiles, with his dimples...Like a five-year-old. "You look pretty when you smile at me, Pi. Real pretty." Oh, jeez, c'mon Piper, he's flirting with you! Just like some cookie-cutter playboy would do.  

 He notices my expression and says, "Sorry.", but we both know it's not his fault. We're still at the mall, eating lapse fries at the food center. So far, my hatred for him hadn't budged, maybe just a little, though, since with the jokes and all those things. My eyes don't meet his for about five minutes, and one could actually feel the awkward around the two of us . He knows he's on thin ice, and everything depends on what he says next. "So....How do you like the fries?"

And then I burst out laughing. He smiles at me again and steals one of my fries and I smack his hand. He bursts out laughing like me, and when we both calm down, there's this comfortable silence between us. And it's nice, because for a moment, we're here, just enjoying each other's company. It's like everything is like a movie, where they do close-ups on both of us, while the background goes blurry and there's slow music playing in the background.

I couldn't really tell what was going on in his mind, and I guess I never will. The guy smiles at me wih those cute dimples, but then, it's like I have to remind myself that he's machined to destroy me, although I don't know why. And then, it's like he reads my mind, and his smile disappears, and I feel like I hurt him. Soon, my smile disappears, too, and there are those flickers of darkness in his eyes while looking at me, as if he's trying to figure me out. He can't, though, because both of us know that I can't ever be like one of those cliche heroines that are on those chick flicks that are too expensive to watch. And now I'm just spitting out words in my head, because I feel that all the improvement we had over ourselves is just gone and it sucks.

"What are you thinking?" Harry asks, and my forehead forms crinkles. I shake my head, knowing if I was thinking something worth telling, I would tell, but this is just too precious to give away. "Hey Harry?"


"Do you like being a popstar?" And the question cut him deep, I know. He avoided looking at me as if I was Medusa and he would turn to stone at one glance. "Well....No. I mean, sure, I'm living the dream, but then again...mobs and fans and you know what I'm talking about, don't you?"

Huh. I thought being rich beyond your wildest dreams was enjoyable, to say the least. And for once in my life, I didn't know what a person (Harry) was talking about. I had always dreamed to be just literally swimming in wads of cash, - if you were in my situation, you'd be dreaming that too, believe me - but then this person just pops in my life and tells me being rich and famous is not worth it. But what does he know? He's never been in a situation in which you'd have to steal or you die. He's never been in a survival of the fittest situation, so how can he say he doesn't like it? Psh. He won't last a day out in the streets.

"How despicable I must seem to you." He told me, and once again, the man has read my thoughts. He puts on a smirk, and nods for me to come along. "Where are we going?" I asked. "You know, you should probably be home by this time." He tells me, looking at his watch. Then I remember Ari, and I should probably slap myself sometime later for not even thinking about her. Stupid! Stupid Pi! She's probably worried sick about me now, and here I am, just chilling around, eating lapse fries and listening to jokes.

"Get behind me, Pi. It's gonna get a little rough." Harry warns me, and it does. Fans swarm us, and I get stepped on a few times before I start screaming Harry's name, and he looks around for me. And then his hand's not in tact with mine anymore. And for the first time, I'm scared. And I'm alone. And Harry's not here top protect me. And I'm lost. And I feel as if the world is not the world right now.  

"Pi! Pi! Pi!" I could still hear Harry's scream for me, but I guess another obsessed fan stepped on me, but on the knee this time, and I fall.



~At the Mall's Clinic~

"You had one job, Styles! ONE JOB! Now look at this mess!"

"Ari, I'm okay. Seriously."

"No, Pi, you are NOT okay. You have a damn cut on your arm and you call that okay?! Look at the size of that! And look! You have a bruise the size of an apple on your knee! You call that okay, Piper?!" "Will you stop freaking out for a moment?"

This can't be happening. This can't be happening. This can't be happening. How could Harry even let her hand slip away? He's in the right mind, isn't he? How could he let this happen to Pi? I mean, the girl was literally stepped on. And worse, that girl is my little sister. Everything is a blur right now, and I have to remind myself constantly:

I am Ari Jenner. I am at a mall clinic. My sister is Piper Jenner. She has been stepped on and cut. I am mad at Harry. Harry did this to her. Harry did this to her. I knew that this would happen.

I feel so light- headed that I'm not so sure I can breathe anymore. And heck, I'm not even the one that got stepped on. "Look, Ari, I'm sorry. Will you just stop freaking out and take a seat? Let me explain." Harry told me, but I was already too mad to listen. "No! Shoo! I don't need your lousy explanations! Pi, how did you get that cut?" I asked, still a little woozy. "I guess some fan with her grocery cart rolled over me."

"Calm down, love." Niall told me. I almost forgot he was here. He holds my hand again, and there's a faint tickling sensation that makes chills go down my spine. But I have to focus on things at hand, so I let go, and to be honest, I kind of miss it.


It has officially been two months since my last update. And I'm so very sorry. Although I'm pretty sure none of you even care.

It's been hard here in the Philppines, where as all of you know, Haiyan has struck. And my exams have come up thew last few weeks, making me very busy. I'm not just bashing out excuses, I'm literally just trying to state that these naturally take some time. Hope you like this chapter, though.

And sorry if there isn't that large wrecking ball of Ariall in this chapter. I just thought to give Parry some credit. ;)


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