I could feel the tear escaping past my eye. No this can't happen again I've worked to damn hard to fail again.
"Hey, do you need any help?" A masculine voice echoes in my ear. I spin around to be met with the most beautiful face God has ever created...
Beep! Beep! Beep! Ugh, turning around, suffocating from the sheets off of my bed, I whack the alarm clock off.
Groggily making my way down the attic stairs to the bathroom to wash up. And make my way downstairs to the kitchen. My mum is already up and making breakfast.
"Good morning Sleepy head, excited about the first day?" Ugh mum has always been a morning person. I have not.
"Yeah I am. Brooke and Daniel are gonna meet me at the reception."
"That's good. Your father has left for work already and wishes you a great first day"
After eating breakfast, I headed upstairs to get ready. First day, gotta make a good impression. Start with clothes. After rampaging through my clothes I finally decided on an outfit.
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Grabbing my bag and essentials for school I make my way to my car.
Arriving at North Shore High, I made my way to the reception [insert pic of high school here]
"Hey Chloe!' I heard Brooke shout. Heads immediately turned my way and I felt my anxiety coming as everyone watched the new girl enter school. "Hey, you look good, don't mind the stares they will be over it soon."
I nodded and continues walking with her to the reception where Dan was waiting patiently.
"Hey nice of you guys to show up. I aged 10 years waiting for you" Dan groaned.
"This is the earliest I've ever been late asshole!" Brooke defended herself.
"I'm sorry you're a descendant from vampires". Dan flung at her while chuckling
Brooke flipped him off and Dan gasped. I laughed and patted Dan shoulder
"People can be so cruel sometimes, it's like they don't carrot all" I teased.
"Ha! I see what you did there!" Brooke yelled.
"Miss Anderson, inside voices please!" A lady in about her late fifties was sitting behind the reception desk. She had a long pointy nose and eyes like daggers. It was as if she was making it her job to terrify children with just her looks (it was obviously done on purpose) can't imagine what her personality is like.
"Excuse me, I'm the new student, my name is Chloe Johnson" my nerves were very visible in my voice as they came out shakily.
A long sigh came out of her mouth as she typed into her computer.
"Ok, here is your schedule and locker combination, welcome to North Shore." She replied coldly as she handed me the documents.
"She scares the shit out of me" Dan said as we were walking down the hall. "What number is your locker?"
"Number 226."
"Great you're near us! What about your schedule?" I handed them my schedule and they both looked through my classes.
"You and Dan have Science and Home Ec together and me and you have Maths, P.E, and English together."
"Oh and before we forget there is a game on Friday night, do you wanna come with us. It's the first Match of the year so you should come, it'll be fun." Dan said "All the hot guys in shorts. Yum."
"Ha-ha yeah I will text me the details"
With that we headed on to start the day at the mortal hell that is school.
A/N thank you for checking out my book. I know it's boring but I need to get all the information out first before we start the good stuff.
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