Chapter 4

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Armin's P.O.V

Music buzzed in my ears as I stared at the pale ceiling in my room. I mumbled softly, the lyrics flowing out of my mind as I reached out for something with my music. I leaned over to my clock and almost died. It was pretty late and I was still laying in bed like an idiot.

I stood up and rushed to my closet. I grabbed the male uniform and changed. I heard an eerie groan followed by an old man's voice. "Ariel....!" My grandfather moaned in a painfully monotone voice.

I finished with my shoes and hovered over my bookbag before slipping it on. I walked over to the door of my baby blue room and exited it. I peered over to my grandpa who layed on the couch eating a large amount of junk food. I scrunched my nose at the smell of the reheated take out meal. "You called...?" I mumbled softly and pushed a lock of golden hair behind my ear. "I feel stomach hurts." He said in a disgruntled voice and waved his hand toward me weakly. "Well junk food isn't gonna make you feel better. I cant help you right now, I have to go to school." I said softly and walked toward the door to the outside. I heard my grandfather groan and the click of a beer bottle follow.

After leaving the awfully painful house, I walked on the sidewalk. To my surprise, Eren wasn't in sight. I looked past both of my shoulders in confusion. I heard footsteps even though I was stopped. A sweetly familiar ravenette touched my shoulder to get my attention. I turned and smiled at Levi. "Where are your body gaurds?" Levi mocked and I swear I saw a tiny smile. I shrugged and giggled softly at his joke. He tipped his head to the side, signaling is to walk.

We began walking and I felt a small part of me feel happy that he would actually walk with me. "Don't think much of this, but I just don't want you to get hurt." He said with a small touch of blush. I looked away embarased because, to be honest, I dont know how to feel about Levi. I mean I don't want Eren to hate me for something I can't control but I still want Levi to just be mine.

Then it hit me.

I looked over at Levi curiously, what even is his sexuality. "So, wouldn't you not talk to me in fear because you knew me as Ariel before and not Armin? Or like being with a gay person." I joked with a slight yearning for him to answer. "That's honestly why I have to protect you, plus lgbt gotta stick together." He said slightly out of character. I chuckled softly, I never heard the ravenette talk like that. "I guess so." I mumbled softly and saw a sight I didn't want to see, especially with Levi around.

Erwin approached us as we walked up toward the school. He smirks and waves at Levi, giving me a slight scowl. I held the top part of my arm as Erwin walked next to Levi and put an arm around him. I nipped at my bottom lip and started to walk away from them to avoid being an awkward third-wheel.

A firm hand gripped my shoulder making me jump and turn. I was greeted with the same dull grey eyes I saw only a moment ago. "I don't want you to go alone to class. You'll get pushed around." He husked in an assertive tone. I nodded softly with slight confusion. "What happened to Erwin?" I asked curiously and pushed my glasses up the brim of my nose. He looked away into the distance and shook his head no as a response. He started walking and made sure I was walking with him. I felt stares crawl up my spine as we walked through the crowd of people. Levi stopped in front of my class and patted my head sofly. "We are here bud." He mumbled with an oddly not cold smile. I nodded and thanked him before entering the frigid classroom with my books pressed against my chest, ruffling my binder. Stares crawled up my spine as I walked to the back and sat down alone. I lay my hands on the glistening table next to my english paper.

The door flung open and revealed the teacher. "Oi, quiet down!" He barked at the rowdy classroom and walked over to his paper filled desk. He grabbed his attendance list and disgustingly sniffed. "Arlert, Ariel." He announced my name and looked at me as I looked up from the paper I was checking for mistakes. "H-Here." I stuttered and put my scrawny hand up. He gave me a dirty look and continued with the list.

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