Chapter 2

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Armin's P.O.V

Erwin towered over me with a look of hatred and jealously. He growled lowly and made sure Levi left. I stared in utter fear at him as he grabbed my shirt. "I see you making googily eyes at Levi and him making them at you." He said which was not true. I dont feel anything romantic or much less sexual toward anyone.

I shook my head no in responce and watched his expressions. "You calling me a liar? I am not a liar! Listen here dork. Levi is mine." He scolded before dropping me. He started to walk towards Levi leaving me there to struggle. I stood up and brushed myself off. I decided to take another root.

Once I got to the art room I peered to my left and saw Levi who was looking at me as I entered. He patted the spot next to him and I didn't see Erwin so I walked over and took the spot. Levi stared at me for a while. "He got you too didn't he?" Levi asked odly. I tilted my head and shrugged. "What do you mean?" I asked him. "Erwin scares people I talk to him and claims me as his own. He thinks I dont know but I do." He confessed. I took a moment to think I should tell him but I would feel bad to lie to him so I nodded shyly. Levi let out a low 'tch' as he does when he finds somthing annoying. I glanced up to see Erwin glaring at me at the door. I looked away from him and looked at Levi.

The teacher walked in and sat at his desk and ordered Erwin to sit next to Sasha as Connie wasn't here today. I looked at Levi a while. His cold grey eyes kept looking at the board and glanced over to me now and then. His pale lips were curled to a disgusted frown. His black raven hair layed over his slim eyebrows and tickled his ears. His pale skin looked soft and so much that I could touch it for hours.

I snaped out of my daydream to see that Levi was staring back at me. I nervously looked away. I felt a light tap on my shoulder from Levi and I hesitantly looked over. "Are you okay? You seem a bit red." He asked calmly. I nodded and looked at my sketchbook and picked up my sketchbook to start a sketch but my mind was only filled with Levi. It makes it seem like I have a crush on Levi or somthing.

It hit me.

It hit me that I do have a crush on Levi. All the times that I look at him and get a tingly feeling is what I felt for him trying to tell me. One thing I can never do is tell Levi. Also Erwin would be pissed as hell if I did.

I brushed my thoughts aside as the bell rang. I picked up all my stuff in a rush before I had another encounter. I didn't look back and I ran out of the door.

As I was sprinting I came to a sudden stop. I felt someone grab my hand. I turned to see Levi. My face felt heated as he held my hand and got closer. "I'm not letting go and I'm walking you to class. You still seem red so I want to make sure your okay." He said as he walked me to class with his hand interlocked with mine. He walked me to my reading class and let me go inside. He waved at me and walked away. I turned inside. I saw Mikasa and I sat next to her still slightly blushing. She turned to me and smirked. "Who is it?" She teasingly asked meaning she wants to know my crush this time. I layed my head on the table and bit my lip. "Levi..." I muttered. She made a hiss sound and lifted my head. "You've got competition." She said. I nodded and rested my head on my hand. "I know its Erwin." I told her with a monotone voice. She held an akward but calm face and glanced over to Eren. "And Eren" She added. My eyes grew big and I slammed my hand on the table and looked at her with a look of surprise. "Well I'm doomed. Goodbye." I said and layed my head on the desk. My blonde hair layed in from of my face and I looked over at Eren who was turned back staring at me. I narrowed my eyes and put on my glasses. "May I help you?" I said with my usual sass. He turned around and I put my face in my hand.

I listened to the teachers annoying blabbering and got hit with a note. I rubbed my temple and opened the note.

'Hey Ar, meet me outside after this I need to talk to you :( -Eren'

I looked up at Eren and nodded just so he wouldn't whine. He flicked my nose and I just looked at my nose a while not even sure how a human would react to that. I nibbled at my lip anxiously as I was filled with the sensation of curiosity. I dipped into my own world where it was so serine. The walls were a pale blue and I looked over to Levi and he smiled as he held a toddler in the air. A ring was holding into his finger while it glistened in the light. I looked at my own hand and saw a matching ring slipping off my finger slowly. I pushed the ring up and looked back at Levi who rushed his fingers between my hair strands lovingly. "I love you Ar-" He was interupted by a loud sound of a bell. The dream faded away and I shook my head snapping out of my thoughts.

I grabbed my bag and rushed outside waiting for Eren. Eren soon peeked outside and stood in front of me. He scratched the back of his neck showing he was nervous. I raised a brow and coughed rudely as I had somewhere to be. "Can you do me a huge favor Armin." He finally spoke. I nodded softly and looked into his diffrent colored eyes.

MUAHAHHA Cliffhanger! Author-Chan won't let you know what Eren wants for a while. Till then darlings~

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