Little White Lies

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Chapter 1

I'm Gracie Donell Hart. I'm 21 years old and...Oh. I'm a FBI agent from Boston.

"FBI! You're under arrest. Put your gun down slowly on the floor and put your hands up, where I can see them." I'm aiming at the man. He puts the gun down but tries to run away. Good try. But not good enough. I shoot him in the leg and smirk. "Nice try". That man deserved it. I mean.. he killed a woman and a child, seriously? He's struggling to get up. He reachs out for his gun, and aim after me.


All of a sudden I'm on the floor. I gasp after air, and hold on tight to my shirt. What just happend? I see the man escape and Liam runs towards me.

"Shit. Are you ok?" He looks worried at me.

"You should have followed him!" I hiss, still gasping for air.

"Are you ok?" He repeats.

"I'm fine!" I hiss "I just got hit in the vest" I breath.

He lifts me up, and carries me up to the truck. Liam was like a big brother to me. He was always there for me.

When we get back to the FBI office, people are staring at me. "What?" I ask out loud. And they surprisingly look away. "Thank you" I mouth sarcastic, making a big scene out of it.

"Did you get him?" William asks me. He's my boss.

"I uhm. We just uhm." I fumble with the words.

"What happend?" He sighs.

"Gracie just got sh-" I interrupted him with a glare. "Don't" I mouth.

I look back at William. "He was just too fast for us" I sigh.

"Oh.. Anyway I got a new case for you" William speaks. "There have been some attacks at the club down town".

I sighed, while we walked into my office. Liam was already at his desk, searching for the case we worked with before.

"Got any witnesses?" I look curiously at William.

"Yeah." He sits down, in front of me. "We got this guy" he shows me a picture of a guy. He's propably in my ages. He got big brown curls and those amazing green eyes. Oh god! Stop it Gracie.

"You have to interrogate him" He looks down at the picture. "You think you can handle it?" He smirks.

"Of course, I can" I laugh.

I stand up and walk towards the 'interrogate-room'. I step inside and take a look at the tall but though good looking, guy. I walk towards the chair and pull it out, to sit down.

"Uhm.. Hello, my name's Gracie and you are" I look at the paper William gave me "Harry?"

"Harry. Harry Styles" a Deep British voice answers.


Hii xD

Hoped you enjoy.. :0 - This chapter wans't that long, cuz we just wanted to see if you guys liked it??

So... Please VOTE!! <33 ^Nicoline^



We hope you enjoyed this very short chapter.. its our first time writing a fanfiction.

Comment and Vote if you want more! ^Josefine

( On our instagram you can see, who we pictured as the persons in the fanfiction xD )

Instagram : @Little_White_Liesc

Twitter: @Fanfictions5

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