He's a hero

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Chapter 3

Gracie’s P.O.V

I wake up by the most hostiled sound in the entire world! *Beep! Beep! Beep!* “Shut the fuck up!” I groan. *Beep! Beep! Beep!* Ugh! I hated that alarm! I got it from my mom, I didn’t like it. But I kept it. *Knock Knock* Loui knocked at the wall from the other room. “Shut that fucking alarm off, you idiot! Some of us ain’t a FBI agent. Let me sleep!” He yelled and groaned.

Louis was my big brother. Annoying as fuck, but yeah he’s nice. He is 23 years old. Got no job, got no girlfriend. Home alone all the time. Which I think he likes? Because you know.. Home Alone?

I stood up from my bed. I turned the alarm off and then heard Lou sigh in his room. “Thanks!” He yells. I would’ve leaved the alarm on for just some minutes, but I had a job to do. I groan once again and walk towards my dresser, to find some clothes. I took some jeans on and a plain white tank top. It really didn’t matter what I was wearing. I walked down stairs to find my mom making breakfast.

“What’s up for breakfast, mom?” I ask her, smiling.

“Bacon and eggs” Her warming smile fills the room.

“Nice..” I chuckle. I was extremely hungry. Bacon and eggs sounded good.

She laughs and finds two plates. She fills the plates with food and hand me one.


I was almost about to eat my last bacon when my phone buzzed. I took my phone out from my pocket and watched the display. One new message.

“William?” I mumble to myself.

“What?” My mother asks. She obviously heard me. “Oh nothing” I tell her and look at the message William sent me.

Take a day off, Gracie. I know you could use it.


It said. I smiled. I looked up from my phone. “Mom, I’m taking a day off” I smile and show her the message. Her face lights up and she sighs. “Good!” She claps her hands in excitement.

I furrow my eyebrows. “What?” I breath. “Why’s that good?” I ask in a sharp tone.

Her smile fades. “I.. I just don’t like the job” she sighs.

“What do you mean by that?” My face turns more serious and my tone is harsh.

“I just don’t want you to be like your dad” She sighs again and look down.

“What!?” I gasp.

“I didn’t mean it like th-“

“Fuck you!” I yell. “He was a hero!” I immediately run upstairs to my room.


I can’t believe she said that! I sat down on my bed. I couldn’t keep the tears back anymore. The tears streams down my face. A hear a light knock on my door. I quickly wipe the tears away from under my eyes.

“Who’s it?” I weakly ask.

“It’s Lou” He whispers. “Can I come in?” He asks and I nod.

Wait, what? Did I just nod? He couldn’t see me. “Yeah” I say and he slowly enter the room.

He sees my face and gasp. “What’s going on?” He asks and place a hand on my shoulder. His eyes deep blue eyes looks at me.

“Mom” I say simply.

“What did she say?” He looks worried.

“It was about dad..” I mumble and hoping that he couldn’t hear me. But he probably could.

“Oh.. What did she say?” He asks quiet and sit down on the bed beside me.

“That she didn’t want me to be like him” I cry.

“Of course she did” He makes a ‘Pff’ sound.

“What?” I gasp

“You just shouldn’t be like him?” He shrugs.

“What?!. You are crazy!” I move away from him. On my way out, I grab my bag.

Fast and furious I run out of the house and smack the door closed. I jump into my car and decide to go to the mall to chill out a bit.


After some lunch and water my day is much better. I’m on my way over to forever 21 when I see some familiar brown curled hair. “Harry?” I ask and he turns around.

“Gracie?” He looks confused

“What are you doing here? Why aren’t you at the FBI station? Are you even aloud to be here?” I ask fast and a little worried.

“I’m not answering all of those questions” He chuckles

I furrow my eyebrows. “Okay. But what are you doing here?” I ask.

“Just.. Hanging out I guess?”  His shoulders move up and down.

“Oh.. But what about FBI?” I ask

“They’re watching me” He points out a man who looks down in his newspaper fast.

“Wanna escape?” He chuckles

My eyes went wide open. “What? No.”

“Your loss” He shrughs

“Are you escaping then? Cause if you are I’ve got some wild karate moves.” I warn him

He roses a brow at me. “You do?” He smirks

“Well, uhm.. I got a gun on me” I smirk

“Isn’t it only when you’re working?” He leans back at the plain red wall.

“I never stop working”  I smile and look down.

“Well do you wanna hang out?” He goes closer to me.

I’m just about to answer when my phone starts buzzing. “Sorry..”  He nods at me and waits.

On the phone:

(G= Gracie and L=Louis)

G: “What?” I hiss. I don’t get any answer but hear heavy breathing.

L:”G-Gracie.. M-mom is dead..” I hear crying

I almost drop the phone. A lot of thoughts travels through my head. What did he just say?. My eyes shut closed and my body can’t move. Mom couldn’t be dead? How? When? Why? Too many questions at once.

L: “The ambulance is here. I need to hang up.” He breaths and hang up

I turn around and he gives me a weird look. “What is it?”’

“My mother is dead.”

A/N1: Hii xD. OMG!! Wasn’t that just way too excited!? :0 We’re updating again soon.. Hope you can wait :)) ~Nicoline

A/N2:  DUM DUM DUM DUUUUUM. Scary huh? We’re trying to update as much as we can!! Thank you so much. We loooove you. Don’t forget to vote and comment. ~Josefine xx

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