Can I sleep here?

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Chapter 4


"So.. Do you wanna talk about it?" He asks and take a zip of his coffee.

"No" I look down at my black coffee and snift.

"You know, it's okay to cry? If you want to I-." He chuckles.

I interrupt him "Stop. Please.." I say quiet.

The feeling of my head in his chest makes me feel safe. The imagine of his strong tattooed arms wrapped around me. He made me feel so. Happy? Talk Harry.

"So uhm.." He says unsure. This was getting awkward. He knew it too.

"I think I'll go home" I stand up. He follows my movements and he takes my bag on his shoulder.

"I'll follow you home" He gives me the 1000$ smile and grab my arm.

"You don't hav-.." I say but he interrups me by putting his hand on my mouth.

"I'd love to" He smirks. He walks out of the mall, with me behind him. "We can drive in my car" He says and finds his car keys. I jump inside the car, on the passenger seat and place my head on the car window. He smiles at me and turn the car on. He starts to drive and turn the music on. 'She's not me' is playing through the radio.

"She doesn't love you like I do" I mutter and sing along, quietly.

He hears me. "So you like singing?" He smirks.

"Uhm.. Not really. I just like the song, I guess?" I shrug and stop singing.

"No, it's okay. Just keep going" He smiles.

I smile.


"Thanks for the ride" I say and jump out of the car. "You're welcome" He nods. I take my bag from the backseat and get inside. "See you at the station!" He yells and I turn around to nod. He drives away, and I walk inside, to find an empty house. Where was Lou? I walk into the kitchen and find a little note on the counter.

Hi Sis,

I just found out that I'm the heir of all our mothers money! Can you believe that!? Well.. I'm taking some days off, just to relax you know. I left 1500 dollars on the desk for you. Good luck with your life.

Lou xx

What? What the heck just happened? Am I alone AGAIN?!! The tears starts to fall down my cheek. Shit. How am I going to survive? I'm only 21? Oh.. I'm an adult. I can do whatever I want. I could always call Harr- No. What is wrong with me? I sigh and sit down on the barstool. That's when I hear a knock.

I walk over to the door and open it slowly. Afraid what to see.

Oh.. It's Harry.

"Hey.. uhm. There's no more gas in my car.. Can I stay here for a while?" He asks

"Sure" I shrug. "We're home alone anyway. Forever"

"What's wrong?" He asks curious.

"My brother left me. Looks like he's the heir of all of my mothers money.."

"Wow.." He sits down.

"Wait. What if FBI finds you? I will probably get fired."

"They don't know where I am now" He smirks

"Well how long time are you going to stay?" I ask tired and sad.

"I don't know.." He mumbles. "A few days?"

"Ok." I try to smile. "I'm going to bed now. Night"

"Oh. And you'll just sleep on the couch right?" I smile fake and he nods.

I walk upstairs and into my bedroom. I lay down on my bed and close my eyes. I hear noises from downstairs. What was he doing? "Are you alright, down there?" I yell and furrow my eyebrows. He doesn't answer. What was he doing? I stand up from my bed and walk downstairs. I tiptoe quietly into the living room, where Harry was supposed to be sleeping. I lean my head against the door, and see him reading a book. I've seen that one bef-.. HEY! THAT'S MY DIARY! "What are you doing?" I ask him and he drops the book.

"I-I.. Uhm.. Just.. Reading?" About my personal life?

"That's my diary!" I hiss.

He smirks and looks down at the book again. "Yeah, I know" He chuckles. What?

"Then will you please stop reading?" I hiss.

I walk fast toward him and pull the book out of his grip.

"Who's the lucky guy?" He smirks.

"Who?" I ask still mad.

"The one in your diary?"

"Wait what? I-uhm-I Don't have-.. It's late. You should get some sleep" I snap.

He chuckles and walks back to the sofa. I shook my head and walk upstairs with my diary. I place the diary on my night table and jump back into bed. I lay down and close my eyes.


Hii xD It's my dads birthday!! Wouw! That's why we updated so laate.. Sorreh.. :0 -Nicoline

A/N2: Hello. Sorry for the late and probably short chapter. we've been busy xx

-Josefine xx

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2014 ⏰

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