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Chapter 2

Gracie's P.O.V

My eyes went directly to his arms. Tattoos. Alot of them actually. I had to admit that he looked quite good sitting with his hands on his lab, and himself leaning backwards.


I nodded and sat down on the rusty grey chair, which was infront of Harry.

"I hope you know why you are here" I furrowed an eyebrow at him.

"Sure." He rolled his eyes and crossed his arms on his chest, looking down.

"Anyway.." I looked at the paper Mr. William gave me. A drop of sweat ran down my forehead, and Down on my new jeans.

"Nervous?" He leaned forward towards me with a questioning expression.

His tongue kept sliding around his cherry coloured lips.

I looked around the room like crazy:"Uhm.. N-no" I looked at the closed grey door. I needed air.

"Excuse me" I stand up and almost run towards the door. On my way out alot of thoughts travels around in my head.

This was way to stupid, I mean, I've never done this before? As I walk I nod towards the security guards, and they walk straight into Harry. Probably to drag him to where ever he's staying for the Next 4 weeks.

I walk straight into Williams office. No need to knocking on the the door.

"Why aren't you in the interrogate room wit-.." He starts speaking but I interrup him.

"I-I can't William. I can't do it." I stutter. My hands falls Down my hips. My eyes traveled to a Little spaceships on the counter. All of a sudden that spaceship seemed much more interesting than this awkward conversation.

"Gracie... Relax. You can do it. The reason why I chose you was because I knew you could do it." He smiles.

"And because I'm a girl? So you think that I could even make him talk?" I can feel I'm getting mad. I take a Deep breath, and try to calm Down. I take a Lock of my Brown, new washed, curled hair behind my ear.

He sighs, but answer: "Maybe..." He says low enough for him to think I didn't hear it. But I did. He brings his hand up to his neck, and Down his back.

  All prisornes, please go to the cafeteria for lunch.

I repeat. All prisoners, please go to the cafeteria for lunch. Thank you.          

I sigh. God! That voice was really starting to get on my nerves. The really Deep low voice was detestable. The way it just formed the Words.. Ugh! ´The Deep, thick voice came like storm in ears. Kinda reminded me of Harry. God, I mean he was flawless! And just that Little glimpse of what it might be like to kiss him, that was enough to make my mind wander. I could just Picture them right now. His lips. They were so unbelievably plump, filling his Heart shaped mouth wonderfully. And they were such a Deep pink. They somehow always seemed glossy from his habit of gliding his tongue across them, yet they were never chapped. Always looking soft and powerfull. Just the way he talks and how his lips mold around each Word, forming them slowly as he spoke.

The long way Down to my office was too tiring for my legs to handle. Not because I'm lazy or anything, but it's been a long day. I've been shot. Well kinda.

When I'm finally inside I gisp loud when I see Harry right in front of me.

"Shit!" I jump

Harry's P.O.V

"Shit!" She jumps.

"Hey" The Words simply fall out of my mouth. A Little smile appear on my face.

"Hi? So what? You've been checking my Schedule so you knew I would be going here?" She stands still her arms Down her sides. She looks at me with a perplexed look.

"Maybe.." I look Down. This was a really bad decision.

My eyes moved Down to her bum and then her chest.

"Well I gotta go now."  She sighs, sounding tired. But somehow I found the way she talks entertaning.

The way her lips moved as she talked always catching my attention. 

Wait, what?

"Wait. Where are you going?"  I asked hoping for a answer.

"I thought you checked my Schedule, so you should know that huh?" She smirked.

She walks towards the door but somehow stops and turn around. Her shoulder leaning against the door frame.

"How did you escape the cafeteria?" Her eyebrows furrows in front of me.

"You're the agent. You should know that." I leave the room with a smirk on my face.  

 A/N1: Hii xD. WELCOME TO 2014!! Finally :)) - And just so you know, we aren't copying anything from other stories. ~Nicoline.

A/N2: Heeeeelloooo people. Hope you liked this chapter! Sorry we haven't updated in so long!! We were sooo busy. Anyway.. Please vote and comment.   Thaaaanks   ~Josefine xx

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