Chapter 6

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I sat motionless in the back of the rugged speed boat, ocean sprayed up onto me causing my skin to go cold. How they had managed to get me away from the island without being seen my the Snapdragon was beyond me. I knew Reds were resourceful so I wasn't too surprised.

I had three captors. All faces hidden behind scarlet bandanas. I knew not where they were taking me, that was the least of my concerns.

Just as I began to shiver another island came in to view. I realized it was dark now and I had lost track of how long we had been traveling. We came up to some form of dock, two of my captors quickly seizing me from the boat. Rain began pouring from the sky and as we walked across sand onto pavement we were able to see people pouring from a large metal chamber. That's when I saw her. Mare. She was here. My eyes turned from her when there was a shout. Someone was on their knees surrounded by men with guns. I wanted to stay and watch but I was jerked away and led into a large hanger. It was completely empty besides a chair in the center of the room. I was forced into it, clasped by large heavy chains and the men began to leave.

"What are you just gonna leave me here?" I shouted. "Thought you had questions!" One froze and came back, I just noticed the gun in his hand. He turned it backwards and cracked the butt of the gun against my head, sending me spiraling into darkness.


When I came to there was someone seated across from me. The outside of my vision is as still dark and fuzzy. I groaned and tried to straighten myself into a more comfortable position.

"I see they treated you kindly. All someone like you deserves," I knew that voice.

I opened my eyes as wide as I could and forced my vision back in to focus. Cal sat before me. Anger, curiosity, so many emotions filled his eyes.

"I figured they might have killed you," he scoffed but his face saddened. "Who knows what they'll do to you."

Cal and I knew each other when we were younger. He had brought on a visit to the front lines by his father. House Brahm was a major leader and all of its members were brought to a meal with the king. We were so much younger back then and I could tell the boredom on Cal's face at dinner. I had snuck him out of the tent and led him through the barracks and the trenches. Showed him everything that my little mind had ever known.

"Why do you look so disgusted with me?" I choked out the words. My mouth tasted of blood.

"Cause you're all buddy buddy with him," the hatred in his voice sent a shiver down my spine.

"Do you think I had a choice?" I growled. "I was captured when you lot returned to the island. I had to fight as the queen pried through my god damn head to keep all your little secrets safe," anger boiled in the pit of my stomach. "I have helped the Reds more than you ever have or will. So don't treat me like I'm a monster when the real monster is you!" Those were fighting words and before I knew it he had melted the shackles from his wrists and was on me with one swift punch to the face.

I felt my nose crack and blood dripped down my face. Blood. A wicked smirk filled my lips as I wrapped my fingers around the chains that held my shackles and began to break them apart. The more blood the more odds were in my favor and that was a realization Cal had only just made.

The room heated to ungodly temperatures as flames circled Cal's arms. We had fought once before and it had destroyed an entire section of the castle. Who knew what would become of this tiny island. He lunged at me, flames licking after my skin. Swiftly I ducked, sliding to the right and out stretching my foot. He tripped, sending him off balance. Such a simple thing causing him to falter only made him angrier, the flames growing larger. Suddenly they weakened and I couldn't help but smirk. He was afraid. He didn't want to fight but the small amount of honor he had left compelled him to. He tried to land another hit on my face but I shielded it and locked eyes with him, fear poured from them as my grip on his mind tightened. I sent him backing away but I could not keep his flames from encircling my body, singing my clothing and causing my skin to burn. I tried to take in a deep breath of air but the smoke sent me heaving. He was suffocating me. I fell to my knees desperately trying to fill my lungs with air. The flames disappeared just as I crumbled to the ground. Slowly he approached. I took in what air I could and turned to him unleashing the harshest of screams I could muster. It wasn't just because of the fighting. It was fueled by sorrow, by hatred, by pain. He went hurtling across the room, the windows shattered causing rain to pour in, cooling the air and small flames that lingered on the ground. The glass shards were sharp, some fell cutting and sticking into our skin. He smacked into the far wall before collapsing to the ground. I quieted my voice and fell to my side.

Choose a side? How could I? Just then a heard of scarlet entered the hangar. I looked towards the door and saw Farley and Shade among them, but in front was a man I had never seen before.

"What an impressive display," he smirked. "The fact that ones voice could become such a weapon. My men standing guard outside are unconscious. Blood pouring from their ears," he reached down and snatched me up from the ground, I was limp and weak with no urge to move.

"Leave her alone," I heard Farley speak from the crowd.

"Why? I think we should show the Silver world we have their future queen," he hissed.

I began to giggle and soon it turned into a wicked laugh.

"I helped you," I growled. "Had it been for me you all would be nothing more than Red fodder back in Naercey. I gave you you weapons, I took care of your people. You are NOTHING but a worthless little wel-" he slammed be against the wall, cracking my skull off the cool metal. I felt blood trickle down the back of my head and repressed a smirk.

"You will learn your new place at the bottom of our world Silver," he slammed me again. "You will bow to us!"

I quickly seized him by the throat and lifted his body from the ground, digging my nails into his skin.

"You will never speak to me like that again," this time it was my turn to show a wicked smirk. I heard Farley trying to come towards me. To stop me, but one look over showed Shade holding her back. "I decide the fate of your people," I brought him close to my face. "You will listen to me."

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