Chapter 66

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Before she set off, Marcie stopped by Dafne's house and informed the witch that the outsiders had figured out how one of their own had been healed from fatal injuries.

"Aye" was her only response, that and a pursing of the lips that could not have looked more threatening. Marcie hurriedly told her that she had silenced them by calling in their life debt. This seemed to please Dafne and the promise of violence that radiated from her body eased slightly.

Marcie also, haltingly, told Dafne what had transpired in the forest.

The older woman said nothing for a long time, then she rose from her comfy chair in the sitting room, wrapped her bony arms around Marcie and held her tightly to her chest. All too soon she released her and Marcie coughed discreetly to hide the lump in her throat.

"Daygon are leavin also" Dafne said, lowering herself back into her chair with a grunt.

"Really? When"

"Now, I think"

"Good" Marcie said with feeling,

"You would not miss us?" Svetatessa said from the doorway,

Marcie suppressed a surprised jerk, but just barely.

"Maybe only a little" she said, once she had recovered.

Svetatessa laughed, then stepped aside to let the prince through, Kesuvanna moved onto the other side so the prince was 'flanked' Marcie believed it was called. They were dressed in their leathers , the prince had braided his red hair, the white strip hung free down his left cheek. Svetatessa had clipped her hair even shorter till it hugged her scalp. Riding packs filled with supplies sat outside against the wall, ready when their masters were.

The prince bowed himself at the waist, one hand on his heart in Dafne's direction, with no sign that he had suffered so severe an injury to be on the brink of death not long ago.

"I and the Daygon people thank you Mi'calla for your care and we thank the Mes'soon for her gift of life she so generously gave"

Dafne made a non-committal noise, showing no sign of how she felt at having royalty bow before her,

"If you would permit me, I would bestow upon you a Boon"

"A what?" Marcie asked,

The prince turned his head slowly to look at her, she reddened,

"I believe your people refer to it as a...yes, as a debt" Svetatessa said, she appeared to be trying hard not to laugh,

"A...debt...then"The prince said, slightly impatiently,

Dafne examined her tea cup, then took a sip,

"Dont know if ah want yer Boon luv" she said, smacking her lips,

The prince did not move, he did not appear to know what to say, Svetatessa had her lips pinched tight together and was struggling very hard to hold her mirth in.

"I got everythin ah could ever want right ere" Dafne continued, "Ah don give favours an ah don receive em, ah did tell yer mother the same" she fixed the prince with a hard stare, which he held and then broke quickly,

"But..."Dafne put down her tea cup, leaned forward in her chair and nodded at Marcie,

"She could do with more people owin ere favours, sure she would put more use ta em than ah could"

The prince turned to appraise Marcie, who was gaping at Dafne, she glanced at him and saw him calculate whether to refuse,

"An, well, she did save your life same as me. If she hadn't found yer an fought back em wolves, yer would ave not had a chance ter receive Leeban's gift" Dafne said simply,

The prince caught Svetatessa's eye, she raised her eye brows, then inclined her head, smirking the whole time.

The prince hid his displeasure well but his body showed great reluctance as he turned to Marcie and said,

"Marcie No Ones Bride. Do you accept this Boon?"

Marcie glanced at Dafne, who made an impatient shooing gesture with her hand, she coughed,

"Ah, yeah I guess I do" she said hesitantly,

Duruin took his hand from his chest and began undoing the ties on the leather wrist garment he wore there, he slipped the piece free then held it out.

Marcie looked at Dafne who watched her, a knowing expression on her face.

She stood in front of the prince and held out her hand for the wrist garment, he caught her own wrist gently with heavily calloused fingers and wrapped the leather around it, tying the ties securely.

She held it up to the light. Etched into the leather were strange markings and symbols that swirled and made complex spirals and knots all so small It was hard to see how anyone would have the patience to create them.

The prince rose to his full height, nodded at Dafne and with little else to say, swept out the door, Kesuvanna followed, Svetatessa, however, placed her hand on her chest, bowed and said gravely,

"From the bottom of my spirit, I thank you. You did save a life most precious to us. The Mi'calla is correct, you did more for my prince than the Mes'soon, for that, you have my gratitude"

"Do I get a Boon from you as well then?" Marcie asked, only half in jest. Svetatessa grinned,

"I am afraid only the prince may give a Boon freely. But you do have my thanks, may we meet again, Marcie No Ones Bride. Just one question? If you will permit me" She asked, Marcie shrugged,

"Where is the man who led my prince to become injured?" she asked, her amicability gone.

Marcie shrugged again, "Safe" was all she said,

Svetatessa narrowed her eyes, "Not from me his not" she said with feeling,

"For now" Dafne said, her voice cutting like a knife, "He is"

Taking the for the dismissal that it was, the Tre'buine turned to follow her prince.

Dafne waited until there was the sound of the door closing before she let out a breath and whispered, "Thank Leeban" She snatched up her tea cup and drained it in one gulp.

Marcie examined the strange wrist garment. Dafne took her hand and ran her expert fingers over the markings. She grunted,

"Better keep that safe girly, wear it at all times, a Boon is not the kinda thing one just leaves under the bed ta gather dust"

"What do i do with it?" Marcie asked, 

"Cash it in when yer ave the chance i guess" Dafne said letting go of the leather, "Never know, might need it if yer ran afoul o some Daygon some time an need ta get away with yer life"

Marcie snorted, "Small chance of that then, that was the first and last time I make the acquaintance of some Daygon"

She did not see Dafne's face, for she had turned away. It was a face that showed great sadness and fear, for it knew things that Marie could not and it did not wish to frighten her from what was on the horizon.

"Right oh Marcie my girl, time fer you ta get on off, maybe avoid em as best yer can yeah?"

Marcie grunted, she finished her tea then gathered up her own supplies and kissed Dafne on the cheek, the witch patted her hand affectionately then stood at her door to see her off.

Marcie skirted the village through the trees then set off, opening her link to Dara she told him she was on her way and followed the vague sense she had of him into the forest.

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