Chapter 43

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Barely two sips in and Marcie was feeling pretty good.

Dara grumbled at her, disliking the shared feeling of dizziness and light-headedness.

Dafne had pink spots on her otherwise colourless cheeks and hiccuped discreetly.

"Marcie Marcie" she sang, "Ow little you know o the world lass, ow big an complex it is"

Marcie leaned back in her chair. The liquor did not appear to affect her as strongly as it did Dafne.

She dropped a small amount into a thimble and watched Dafne throw it back.

"You looked like you needed it" she said,

"Aye, worrisome news lass, worrisome news" Dafne replied,

"What is?" Marcie asked innocently,

"The Kes'koon o course!" Dafne said, her voice raising,

"They got power, I know they got it. But they come to me! To me! Never would a come to me if it wont bad! And if it be bad, then who knows what awaits. What horrors will come!" She beat her chest with each exclamation.

Marcie stared, having never seen Dafne liked this, her composure cracked.

She leaned forward and placed her hand on the older woman's shoulder,

"Whats so terrible Dafne? Whats the 'Kes'koon'? Why are the Daygon here"She asked urgently,

"The Kes'koon? The king?" Dafne said, a little confused, she waved her hand through the air, in a dismissive gesture,

"You don need to know bout that my girl, you got your own problems eh?"

Marcie frowned, "What do you mean?"

"You know, what wit your little friend hiding out in the woods"

Marcie's heart stopped.

"Dafne..."she choked,

Dafne stood up abruptly, swaying slightly,

"Don listen to me ramblings lass, just old age gettin to me"

She turned and without another word tottered off down the hall.

Marcie sat, stunned.

Rising to her feet she walked quickly to the door, through it and out into the cold, she wrapped her arms around herself.

She stumbled blindly past the Daygon, who appeared to be constructing a tent of some sort against the trees, and walked towards her home.

Only after she had cleared the village did she feel Dara's frantic worry and stress and realize that he had been trying to reach her for awhile.

She tried to calm him, but found it difficult with her own emotions so conflicted.

Dafne knew.

Her statement could have been innocent, but it was Dafne. Of course she knew.

The question was, how?

The answer simple, she was Dafne.

What was she going to do with this information?

She had not done anything yet...maybe she would keep it a secret?

Even if she didn't, who would she tell?

The Witch was not exactly popular, nor was she a gossip.

Maybe everything would be alright?

Yes everything would be.

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