Chapter 78

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Marcie awoke to the sound of the door of her cell closing again. 

Armin must wait until she was deeply asleep before he dared bring her food. The old tray had been removed and a new one sat in the middle of the room, more porridge, bread, preserve and water.

As she had the previous day, she ate the porridge slowly, allowing it to fill her and had a little water, leaving the rest for later.

The porridge did not sit well in her stomach, they were so tangled with nerves. She walked around the tiny room to try and help it settle and tried to arrange herself as respectfully as possible. She straitened the creases in her trousers and shirt, wiped most of the mud off her boots with hay. She used her fingers to untangle her hair, getting all the straw out and braided it carefully, pulling it tight against her head. Then she used some of the water from the jug to clean her hands and scrub her face and neck.

Feeling a little refreshed but no less nervous she walked around and around her little cell until her legs began to ache, but she did not wish to sit down and dirty her cloths or hair again so she continued to walk around and around.

It came as such a relief when she heard feet on the steps outside that she nearly cried. She took deep breaths to control herself and carefully ate the left over bread roll and drank some more water while she waited for the door to be opened, she knew she would need the strength from the food to get through this.

The two men she did not know were back again, they heaved the door open and came in to stand on either side of her, Marcie held herself very still and did not allow herself to show any fear of these men. 

Roor followed them in and stood in the door way. He did not look at her.

He held out his hands and Marcie blanched at the heavy iron manacles he held.

"I would like you to put these on please, Marcie" he said quietly and sadly.

Marcie stared at the rusted chain and heavy bracelets that would secure her wrists, the men on either side of her shuffled aggressively. 

She slowly raised her hands out in front of her, turning them palms up, she refused to be forced into them. But she felt dread coil in her gut as Roor approached and secured the first bracelet over her left wrist with a dead sounding click. He locked it with a large black key and then moved onto the other one. Marcie stared straight ahead, her heart beating so hard she felt light headed. 

When he was finished, Roor finally caught her eye. He looked even older today, or maybe it was the weak light, his face appeared even more lined and his hair looked grayer,

"Do not say anything" he instructed quietly, "Allow your friends and family to speak for you"

Marcie nodded, it was all she could do.

Roor turned and walked out of the room, the two men grabbed an arm each and Marcie had no choice but to follow.

Breen gulped down a few spoonfuls of soup but then pushed the bowl away unfinished. Justyna was also hardly eating, she pushed the spoon around the bowl distractedly. 

Breen checked the light and saw, with a sense of trepidation that it was soon midday. The air was sticky and Justyna had opened every door and window in hopes of coaxing a breeze to come along and cool the sweat from their brows. The sun was high but Breen could see dark clouds in the far distance and knew that the storm that had been threatening for so long would finally break. Somehow he did not think it was a good sign for it to present itself on this day of all days.

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