--love you and love you nots--

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Page 9: Love You And Love Me Nots


i love you,

/i love thee not/

i love you,

/i love thee not/

i love you, i love you, i love you.


Hey, hey, do you know that I love <you3 so much?

(but of course you do, how many times do i keep on repeating and repeating and repeating myself)


Do you know how much your reject x ion --stabs-->me?

(over and over and over again again again like a record PLAYer set on re:play it repeats endlessly-ly-ly-ly-ly-'oh my, i think it's broken!' yes it's b/r/o/k/e/n like my HEART)

Do you remember how you told me my affection for you was nothing but a nimiety of love from thousands of suitors?

( a one inam1llion smidgen of love as compared to the ones of others aka 0.000001% it's not even in a million it's in a -negative -million you damn bitch you just wanna =|push me f a r from y o u so i won' have to bOtHeR you anymore)


Yet even though you keep saying no, funny how I keep pursuing you, y'know. Guess that just goes to show how much I love you~

(ha ha HA yeah right i think i didn' even love you in the first place you were just a lil' pretty face i saw in the streets but maybe at some point i actually




for you like an idiot where i willingly [opened] my |closed| <heart3 and had it

stamped on and b\r\o\k\e

i was -reduced to t;e;a;r;s)


I know I'm not exactly the best person out there, and all I'm telling you now are fabricated truths and such, but please give me a chance. I can be a better person from now on, I swear.

(you reject me because you know that inwardly i'm volatile and weird and i'm the BIG bad monster that lives

____ your bed that'll jump at any


chance to kill you in your sleep \zzzz\)


i think i'm





A ___P___ A___ R___T.

(Because you keep on saying no./


I love you.

(i love you not)

/i hate that i love you so/

-I'm so sorry-

- you don't even love me anymore-


Who understood the story?


Yeah, neither did I.

/sdfghj why won't wattpad let me centre my texts gahd/

//i don' think anyone is even reading this haha -shot-//

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