Chapter 3

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Abyssal's POV
My eyes flew open, The surrounding mixtures of white and gold blinding me for a minute. I noticed I was laid down on a bed and went to get up only to freeze when I felt heat besides me. Looking over I was surprised to see Guardian...My king by my side. He started to awake and I went to get up till I felt myself being laid back down, My eyes went wide as I was shocked by this as Guardian let out a sigh of relief. "Thank goodness your awake, You've been unconscious for a week." He said and walked over to a pot. He dipped a claw inside and walked back over something on his claw. He had me sit up and I couldn't help but blush when I felt his claws slowly undo the bandages and then went stiff feeling the cold ointment on my scales. "I'm going to kill that shadow..." I heard him say and was surprised by this. "W-Why?" But he didn't answer, so I was silent wincing slightly as pain flared through my spine. "Does it hurt?" He asked and I slowly nodded. "Sorry...Verandes gave me this to put on 'them'..." And this made me more curious.  "What do you mean by 'them' my king?" I turned my head to look at him and he grimaced. "You...Have scars on your back..." He said and my eyes went wide. "Oh...g-gods...I..." I didn't know what to say. "Abyssal..." I couldn't no...
I leapt off the bed and running down the hall. One place in mind, The garden! I entered and quickly made my way towards the small pond surrounded by light colored flowers. I sat down by the water edge looking at my reflection. 'Why do these things always happen to me...' I thought but then felt heat besides me and then that strong kind voice again. Then the heat was practically pressed against my side. I could feel heat rush to my cheeks as I looked up in shock to see Guardian sitting besides me. "Abyssal, Scars show how tough you are that you've been hurt but you've survived and gotten stronger." He said. 'Oh my gods!' My thoughts practically screamed as he looked at me. "No matter what others think of you, You are lovely." I slightly smiled at this. "Thank you....Thank You Guardian." I rested my head on his shoulder. I could feel him tense up for a moment before relaxing.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2016 ⏰

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