#16 - You Stay Home Sick

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Ross: You usually leave long before he wakes up, so when he sees you still in bed when he wakes up he gets worried. “Y/N, are you ok?” When you shake your head no he then asks if he can get anything for you. Since you were sick with a cold, he went out and brought you a box of Kleenexes, some apple juice and set Netflix up for you. He had to leave for rehearsal then but whenever they had a break he made sure to text you and see how you were doing.

Ratliff: The night before you had a fever and had already used an entire box of tissues, so when you tried to get up the next morning to get ready for work he made you go back to bed. “Not on my watch,” he said, “You are staying here and you are going to get better.” He then made you breakfast and got you some medicine before you took and nap and he went to rehearsal.

Riker: "Hey, Y/N, you don’t look like you are feeling very good. Maybe you should stay home," he suggests. Unfortunately, you weren’t feeling very good either. You take his advice and stay home. He brought you food, blankets, and even stayed home with you to make sure you were ok.

Ryland: “Don’t even think about leaving the bed,” he threatens as you protest him making you stay home, “You know you don’t feel good and I’m making you stay home and I’m going to stay home with you to make sure of that.” He cancels any and all plans he had for the day just to make sure that you stayed home and got better.

Rocky: “You have a fever and you have a horrible cough. My vote is that you stay home,” he says. You take his advice and he plays video games with you until he has to go practice with the band. When he gets back late that night he tucks you into bed and kisses your forehead

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2013 ⏰

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