Chapter 3 - Surprise!

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Thankfully Zane, Melody, Simone, and Tessa made it past border patrol without incident. The various long arms had to be declared as well as what ammo they had. Other than getting those inspected, and making sure they had the various licenses for them, getting across the border had been easy. The fact the school had a declaration for them to show helped.  From there they eventually had reported to the warehouse which belonged to Wild Valley. With that, they had been provided someone to tell them how to get to the Wild Valley pack. They didn't arrive late but it was late afternoon when they parked at the assigned garage. In a week or two they would deliver Melody to the college she was going to. It was several hours away but it had a good solid credentialed program.

Zane knew that Adam would probably greet them and if not, someone fairly senior. He knew that Adam had taken an interest him so he expected it. It bothered him but he had accepted it. They would be shown to where they were living for the next couple of years and from there he wasn't really sure. One thing he had learned was the name of those wheeled vehicle things they used. Why they were called Argo's he didn't know and it just sounded weird.

Adam smiled at Zane and the ones with him, as they were shown in the door. "Zane, Simone, Melody, Tessa; welcome!" he said in greeting. He moved to give each a hug. "Come, I'll show you where your room is. He headed up the stairs. "How was the trip? Oh, I have a few wolves assigned to help you bring your things in."

Zane gave him a good hug and grinned, "So going for a run as soon as possible. My wolf kept sniffing the air coming through the open windows. We took turns letting our wolves out to sniff but he wants a good run and find a few of the many bunnies you have around here." They had grabbed some of the luggage but there was a good deal more.

Adam led them up to the fourth floor, and to the first bunk room, "I was able to get you one of the best rooms. Not that any are bad." Tapping the controls, he opened the shutters, letting in more natural light, and showing off the view of the untouched wilderness and mountains. "I'm not sure if the other two bunks are used. You would have to talk to Fabian about that." Nodding at the stacks on the desk, "Your schedules, the rules, and your textbooks for the courses."

Turning to Melody, "We were able to reserve the bunk for you, so if you come back here for weekends or whatever, you will have a spot here with your team."

Melody made a slight face, "After reviewing the courses this semester I only have to be there for two days a week. Unfortunately, they are on a Tuesday and Wednesday. I will leave early Tuesday and return later Wednesday. Those classes are physical classes and not offered online. The rest I can take online so I can keep up with my Enforcer training. I was going to talk to you about that as well. Even though I am not attending the training Zane and the others are for the balance of the week I would like to see if I could work as an Enforcer intern for your pack."

Adam nodded, "Talk to Toby, down at the security office. He is taking over the managing the assignments, right now he has a mentor to help him. Let them know that I approve you being a trainee and working with the pack."

"Thank you Alpha, I appreciate it. I am going to end up as Zane's Executive Secretary or similar but I am also going to be an Enforcer. I need to keep my skills up and improve as well. I have talked to Beta Mike's second and even he works patrols and all that good stuff." She tossed her bag on the middle bed in that room and started to pull things out before all the fun started.

Adam laughed, "Brook and I do training daily as well; we have to make sure we are fit as well."

Zane appreciated Adam ensuring they had a good room but he didn't want preferential treatment. He was going to deal with this school on his own two legs and deal with what happened with his team. There were only three of them actually attending the school but they were still his team, "Thanks for ensuring Melody will have a bunk for the days she is here and during school breaks. I am going to let her use my SUV to come and go so we don't have to wait for the end of a day to consider getting her."

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