Chapter 21 - Liberation

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Adam nodded, and motioned Tashi and Zane to sit down, "I expected that." He replied, as he started to dial.

"Rufus" came the reply of the Alpha of Arctic Shadow. "You have an answer already?" he replied, a little surprised.

"Yes. We need to evacuate..." Adam said, waiting for Tashi to say how many.

"Forty-two members" Tashi replied.

"Only Forty-two?" Rufus confirmed, surprised how small it was. "We can get that many out quickly. I will make my contacts, and within the week I will have a plane chartered."

Zane had come in as well and wrapped his arms around Tashi, "Alpha I can help as well. If needed I will fly over with her and help. Tashi is a close friend, even she is a silly lazy cat type. I will pay for the tickets and can help getting the Pride over as well." He had plenty of money from the accident which killed his parents. If needed he could talk to Kadrian and borrow some as well, "Tashi let me help you as well. You do mean a good deal to me."

Adam shook his head, "We already have two packs involved. I can't have you jaunting off. We are going to send as few as we can out there, and they will be all experienced wolves, that have experience working under fire, and rescuing people. I will allow you to help settle them and work on this end." Adam named the figure of how much this was going to cost.

"Yes Alpha, let me know what I can do to help and my team and I will take care of it." He knew his team would willingly help as much as possible. How much that might be he didn't know. Between school, homework, the occasional patrols, and everything else they didn't have a great deal of time. Most of it would be on the weekend.

Tashi blushed at how concerned Zane was for her pride, "That's sweet" she replied, kissing his cheek. She really didn't want her pride indebted to the other two, but she knew how much it cost her just to fly, and they were talking of chartering an entire plane!

He growled at her, "Not sweet, taking care of those important to me. I might be cold to many but those I care about... They are important. If it bothers you or your Pride then eventually you will pay me back. You are my friend and I will do what I can to help. Not mate but I care for you even if you are a lazy cat." He couldn't, even now, admit how much some people mattered to him. He was learning but it was hard to admit it.


The logistics to get her Pride out was complicated. Adam was glad that Rufus was dealing with most of the issues, and they were just helping with the funding of it. Eventually the small Pride had escaped. They didn't quite have just the clothing on their back but they had been forced to leave a great deal behind. Their most valued possession's they had managed to bring with. It had been a tight fit on the plane but at least they hadn't lost anyone.

When they arrived at the nearest airport most of the Pride were tired, hungry, and the cubs were cranky. All they could really think about was getting to somewhere they could lay down and sleep for a while. Thankfully on the buses were large coolers of fresh food. It was strange but it was something to eat. They almost fell on it. Before long a number of the Pride were asleep and thankfully all the youngest cubs. Many slept the drive to their new location away. They were awakened shortly before they arrived.

Before they had arrived Zane and his team had quietly asked Tashi about the number of cubs and their ages. Since they were probably going to be more traumatized than the adults with the change they decided to do something for them. After careful consultation with Tashi they had talked to a number of the other young adults and teen pups to make a number of welcome bags. It wasn't just clothing but toiletries, crayons, colouring books and similar items which they might appreciate.

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